It's funny that we both trimmed down our Zudon herds to the same exact 6 choices. Those are the best ones in my opinion.
^ The two suspicious guys trying to hide behind the clock are funny ! Bemons think they're leprous or something
I was gonna ask, where is it coming from? From which, or what direction? I don't see it ever get sold on the BST---so probably, they're being sold discretely. Those Gogas being offered on Ebay and YJA are prized ridiculously.
Sweet chunky awesomeness I wouldn't mind so much....but in the end, you maintain what you can keep. Complete the herd!
I like these set ups....with just plain shelves on the you guys have to clean your figures often? Seems like you would have to dust pretty regularly.
Thanks Hank and Bob! At my old place, I found myself dusting roughly once a week but in my new place, maybe once every couple of weeks. It doesn't get really dusty in this room. And I'm cool with that.
Where did you get the shelves? Did you make them yourself or are they store bought? I have a lot of tools I'm thinking I can make something like this. My only concern is dust gathering on my HPs.
Ikea's finest! They come in an assortment of colors and they're pretty easy to put up. In time I plan to make my own that will go around the room.
That bemon shelf is beautiful. I had/have plans to get a shelf like that decked out with nothing but dempagon colorways...seeing your shelf just refired the passion. Great shelf! Class!