In what has been a tough period for comics fans, as we so recently mourned the passing of Neal Adams, I am sad to learn that George Pérez has died following a few years of illness and cancer. Another trailblazer of both big two comics houses for decades, George's work inspired so many avid readers and artists-to-be. While maybe not given the attention of some of the names of the golden and silver age, there is no question George (and Neal) shaped what comics came to mean [and are today] and all the artwork that has come in their path since. I join his many fans in offering consolation to George's family and friends. :`( Too many influential pieces to choose from as tribute, but I will leave these two here as a small sampling of his work. The man knew his stuff. Sorry to see another legend pass on into that next plane. It is really well passed time to revisit some comic classics and get lost in the worlds these artists helped to create. RIP George.