Marvel/DC (etc) Movies & TV

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Kuolio, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Feb 21, 2006
    Marvel/DC (etc) Movies & TV
    To each their own! Personally, The Batman feels like it's trying to be a David Fincher movie dressed up in a "DC skin". And then proceeds to fail at doing what Fincher succeeded in doing. You could strip away the Batman and Catwoman costumes and the movie would be un-changed, and just feel like detective film without any mystery or intrigue.

    @smurph - totally agreed on No Way Home! The whole Avengers thing got so tedious and boring, but Sony/Spiderman are breathing some life and fun into the MCU.

    Back to DC - I think that The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker were both really (surprisingly) fun. Probably the only DC things I've liked since Nolan's Batman (okay, I liked the first WW too). I didn't expect to like SS, but loved it and was happy to see the Peacemaker spin-off. I think someone mentioned never having seen a moment of Cena's wresting career, but loving every minute of his post-wrestling career and I wholeheartedly agree! I didn't want to like him, but I've loved everything I've seen him in. DC should stick with Gunn and ditch Snyder, IMO.
    smurph likes this.
  2. Roger

    Roger Die-Cast

    Nov 25, 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    Marvel/DC (etc) Movies & TV
    I enjoyed The Bat Man, didn't have an issue with the run time, and it was a good theater experience. Afterwards, though, I was satisfied but I felt like I didn't need to watch another Batman movie again. Same way I felt coming out of the last Bond movie.

    I"ve been avoiding the newer Marvel stuff. None of the TV shows that I saw were particularly satisfying and seeing them lean so hard into the metaverse concept makes it look like they've lost faith in the existing characters and setting to tell good stories. I'll see the new Thor, though.
  3. Mr Fox

    Mr Fox Addicted

    Nov 25, 2019
    Marvel/DC (etc) Movies & TV
    New Thor seems to be following the same format as the last Thor, Ragnarok, which I enjoyed.

    It had that Guardians of the Galaxy / Deadpool angle of decent comedy and not taking itself too seriously - that made it feel fresh and like something vaguely new.
  4. smurph

    smurph Comment King

    Jun 5, 2013
    Marvel/DC (etc) Movies & TV
    This 100%.

    With respect to @Roger I do agree the metaverse concept is getting leaned on a little toooooo heavy by Marvel & from what I've read the perennially late-to-the-party DC is apparently now jumping on the bandwagon with their Flash movie (if it ever sees the light of day). No surprise there.

    This said, the Sony/Spider franchise utilized the metaverse in the best possible way via 2 spectacular (each in their own right) movies: Into the Spider-Verse & No Way Home.
    Gifting the former with limitless freedom to create one of the most visually-striking animated films to-date.
    The latter using the framework to acknowledge Sony's history of hits & misses with the property in a self-aware manner & basically give it some semblance of closure (if such a thing actually existed in the comicbook movie franchise realm).

    Without saying too much, I did appreciate how NWH semi-succeeded in framing Raimi's oft-maligned (the 3rd deservedly so) trilogy in a somewhat better light. The timing of which unmistakably being another cold calculation of the Marvel Machine, considering his helming of their latest picture: Doctor Strange in the...

    wait for it...

    wait for it......

    almost there.................

    Multiverse of Madness

    *insert purple text +/- as many facepalm and/or eyeroll emojis as seen fit here
  5. Roger

    Roger Die-Cast

    Nov 25, 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    Marvel/DC (etc) Movies & TV
    I loved Into the Spider-Verse, solid self-contained movie with a great premise and characters. When I saw that the next live action movie was going to do the same thing, I was disappointed because they were using the same hook, plus they were expecting me to enjoy the appearance of two previous Spider-Men that I didn't particularly care for.
  6. nico000

    nico000 Toy Prince

    Mar 26, 2013
    Berkeley, CA
    Marvel/DC (etc) Movies & TV
    I loved Spider Man No Way Home. One of the best Marvel movie for me.
    I am liking the tv series too. I am surprised how much I like this 3rd? 4th? -the current- wave of the MCU.

    I really liked The Batman too. I much prefer Pattinson takes on a more deranged batman than the billionaire playboy take from Nolan/Bale. The general atmosphere of the movie was the perfect Batman feel to me. Dark emo metal over the top. Story wise it kinda sucked and I would have enjoyed it more if they had cut the last 30 min but … all super hero stories are really bad. I m not watching those movies expecting anything to make sense.

    I get what all of you who didn’t liked it say though. Did you watched it in a movie theater? I m pretty sure the big screen and big sound did a lot for me.
    The Moog likes this.
  7. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Apr 15, 2010
    Gert Brizzle UK
    Marvel/DC (etc) Movies & TV
    I watched it on the big screen and I'm glad I did. Its funny, somebody was saying it took them eleven attempts to finish watching it on streaming. I commented that I went to the cinema, watched the flick and then left the cinema. Simple! ... but old fashioned, I know ...

    I would also say if it takes you eleven attempts to finish watching anything - maybe it's just not for you.
    smurph likes this.
  8. smurph

    smurph Comment King

    Jun 5, 2013
    Marvel/DC (etc) Movies & TV
    @nico000 I watched at home (1 sitting with a pause or 2 for bathroom breaks & zero phone usage). The 3 hour run-time torpedoed any thoughts of seeing it in the theater... and wasn't that pressed to begin with.

    I can see how the theater experience could benefit The Batman, as it does for most films (if not all). That said, 2 points:

    1. When making a mega-budget blockbuster film that needs massive box office returns to justify the studio's investment, be mindful of the audience's willingness/capacity to sit through your creation. In this sad day and age with society-at-large's attention span being shorter than ever (thanks to rampant cell phone addiction), seems that most can barely stay engaged through a 90 minute run-time... and this was DOUBLE that. Seriously, if you're gonna put out a 3 hour flick and expect audiences to come out in droves, have an intermission around the half-way mark like the used to back in the day. Nuff said.

    2. If the enhanced (large screen / booming sound system) theater experience is needed for the film to be truly enjoyed, this does not a good movie make.
    Considering in the grand scheme how only a blip of a movie's life is spent in theaters and the rest of its existence will be spent streaming into oblivion, it must be able to hold its weight in the home setting under whatever visual/audio conditions being used there.

    Alas, The Batman's snail-paced plotting boring storyline and lack of notable performances did nil for me viewing on the 'small screen'. I do regret not seeing Spider-verse, Far From Home & No Way Home in the theater, but enjoyed the 3 regardless of the diminished experience. This does a good movie make.

    Just my 2 cents... feel free to leave them in the couch cushions.
  9. Biff

    Biff S7 Royalty

    Jun 16, 2006
    Seattle, WA
    Marvel/DC (etc) Movies & TV
    Anyone catch the new Dr. Strange flick? I was wondering if Sam Raimi was back in form ( or allowed by Disney to be back in form).
  10. smurph

    smurph Comment King

    Jun 5, 2013
    Marvel/DC (etc) Movies & TV
    My buddy saw it opening night and I asked him if Raimi's influence was palpable.
    Short answer: Yes. Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness & Drag Me to Hell were mentioned without going into detail, as he knows I'm spoiler-averse.
    Take that as you will.

    If you don't care about spoilers, this would probably give a more in-depth assessment:
    Last edited: May 8, 2022
  11. blakewest

    blakewest Post Pimp

    Jul 28, 2009
    Austin, TX
    Marvel/DC (etc) Movies & TV
    I am pretty easily entertained, so take this with a grain of salt.

    I saw Dr. Strange this weekend and enjoyed it a lot. I have not seen a lot of Sam Raimi before, but there were clear Raimi flourishes, which was a lot of fun. I've always though that his directing style is very comic-booky, and this movie seemed to be in that mode. I think a Raimi fan would like this.

    One criticism I have read is that the other universes in the multi-verse were not that weird. I think based on the title, people were expecting to spend more time in a universe where everything is made of feet, or you talk with soap bubbles, a la Rick and Morty. This movie is not that. The "Madness" in the title is more about how access to the multiverse can lead people into madness, because of the temptation/hope to remediate tragic events in this universe. It's largely a story about powerful people dealing with loss and regrets. If I want real weirdness, I can always re-watch interdemensional cable.

    My beef is that Wong does not really seem up to being Sorcerer Supreme. I think they could have made him appear more competent. Given what you see in the film, it seems impossible he would have kept things together in the 5 years Strange was blipped out.
  12. Roger

    Roger Die-Cast

    Nov 25, 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    Marvel/DC (etc) Movies & TV
    rattanicus likes this.
  13. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    May 19, 2011
    Berlin, DE
    Marvel/DC (etc) Movies & TV
    Marvel is going hard for the bootleg collectors pockets it seems. That thing is pretty decent with the fire truck red bike.

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