I liked him growing up in the Mad Max films and Braveheart....but he turned out to be a total dick. Just goes to show...you can't trust Hollywood. Then there's Oliver Stone, Bendecio Del Torro, and that douchebag Sean Penn going down to South America and the Middle East and showing support for those dictators....what a bunch of biatches.....plus Roman Polanski....don't get me started.
At least he left her with her liver and her kidneys. Great audio quality on the recording. Did she break any California laws by recording the call (presumably) without his consent? And who's name is blanked out? I wonder what the "magic button" was that Mel pushed this time around that actually prompted someone to end a business relationship with him, was it the n-word or the c-bomb? It really won't matter for him in the long run. Rob Lowe was caught on tape screwing a 16 year old girl and he bounced back. Mike Tyson went to jail for rape and his life is pretty much the same. This isn't a screw-up of OJ proportions, you'll see, Mel will be back in Mad Max 4, and people will gobble it up now that they know he's as crazy as the character he plays.
That's true. As repugnant as it is, it might be the most interesting thing he's done in years. He's probably bankrolling the new Mad Max and wants to give Tom Hardy a boost. I hope that flick comes through.
amen brother. this guy will eventually answer for his atrocities. it just wont be during his lifetime. but when his ticket gets punched......Watch the ride Roman, it's gonna be a hot one!! you monster. i will be shocked if Mel has a career after this, but hey, we're a real forgiving society....
oh i know, i might even still be seeing it based on that picture and the rest of the cast not being temperamental maniacs (at least so far). but anyways if youve heard the recording but havent seen certain selections typed over photographs of kittens, maybe you should => http://www.buzzfeed.com/awesomer/the-13-worst-mel-gibson-rant-quotes-presented-by
I am not defending him, but people say extreme things when dealing with an ex who is playing games with their common child. The fact that she was illegally taping him (which ultimately may get her in serious trouble) and then released the tape tells alot. It is an old tactic in difficult custody cases to do this, although she first should have gotten an order from the Court to tape any calls from him. Many people will also say things that they would never dream of saying if they believe their call is confidential. Additionally, the allegation that he punched her in the face is being investigated by the police, and if they find he did what is stated, he will pay for it. Right now his career is the lesser of his worries. Most of all, whatever the story really is, he is an idiot who obviously believes his celebrity status will protect him. He should ask Ms. Lindsay Lohan where it got her.