> Only one joint, has to piss all over his feet! They remind me of something they used to do in the zines 'Skate Muties from the 5th Dimension' and 'Bugs & Drugs', called Character Assassinations. 'Goth Chick', 'Ageing Punk' or 'Skate Kid' etc etc
personal favourites: if i need to have an instagram to enter lottos then they can get fucked and do these casuals even kinkeshi?
The silence is deafening.. the work you put into this one is spot on @skaldavsatanssol ... maybe this one should be called "The Trendy Cashed Up Hypebeast Flipper Dickhead You Don't Want to Offend Just In Case You Have BST Business Sometime In The Future Starter Pack" because I can't understand why this doesn't have 2000 thumbs up da ass