Sweet. I noticed a couple things. the GID chaos (from earlier last year) isn't pictured. the GID mini head w/ pink eyes is missing too. the green Vader Grow isn't featured either. Still, I love the RxH layouts.
Thanks LS. Great to see the Volume 2 spread. Also seem like some secrets are not in there...like the unpainted black hone borg. What is the third mini chaosman with scarf? Did anyone see how much the flesh Chaosman with scarf, Green Ogan Bat unpainted clear end at?
Several dozen really solid pieces in there. It's just sad to see them drowned in a sea of hundreds...
there's alot more mini hone borgs then I thought, and 2 gatchigons I've never seen...and mini popsoda...man i really wish i didn't see these, and by tat i mean i wish i could see a close up so i could droll directly on them instead of any innocent toys around them.
http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n71900352 http://page13.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/r50671870 Doing some detective work?
i love all the chaos that were released last year. sucks that 4 of them were impossible to obtain unless your Joe
the yellow( the second chaos i think) wasnt to hard i pretty sure that was the TT one either that or s7 had them for preorder that green rub is still a pain in the ass for me to find(for a decent price)