i think the only solution is to have limited RxH releases as walk-in only. what does everyone else think
I think it should be like with the Ferrari Enzo- you should be invited to buy them. Get a RXH membership card or subscription or take a blood oath.
I think no matter what method is chosen to sell these figures...the people who don't end up with one are going to be disappointed. It's just the reality of collecting the rxh lot. I'm bummed but I'm sure some will turn up.
I think there should be pre-orders, no one looses from that right? everyone who wants one orders it, the oreder is sent out and boom we're all happy, next figure pre-order...
Why aren't larger runs of these being made or was this a super limited release? With the Rxh Store opening up and a distribution network in place I though production was being ramped up more on figures to get them in more collectors hands. I'm assuming there were only a handful of these mini Chaos figures available today and not 30-50. ???????
If this happens I think a lot of us will end up moving to San Fran. Or the San fran ppl will start mysteriously disappearing heh heh.
give it a couple weeks. people just get caught up in the thrill of jamming on refresh and buying something that is popular at the moment, but when they get it in hand realize..... meh and they will show up right here in the sell section for the same price BEFORE shipping! yay!
I think this was probably due to the Internal Server Errors. I know the 2nd time I tried to checkout it said I had two in my cart because of all the going back and re-attempting. IMO the only thing that needs to happen is to make it so that if an item is in your cart it can't be snagged by someone else - I think that's the major cause of heartache around here. We all know that with the stupid limited items there's very little chance of scoring. But when we actually get it in the cart our expectations are raised...only to be dashed at checkout. No need for lotteries or anything like that though.
Or they buy it to trade..."I got this but after it arrived, I'm not feeling the paint app." I've seen this statement way too much.
I really hope that's the case with this particular mini...!!! it just blows having to wait around to see if this one ever shows up in the sales thread, plus the odds of me being in the right place at the right time are often slim to none... hopefully some of the network shops like Roto & Lulu will have some extra's ones stashed away somewhere and surprise everyone at a later time...?
I had the same thing happen where I ended up with 2 in my cart when I tried to check out again. I agree.
yea that fucking sucked, I had all 3 seperate times and all 3 erroerd with no price and I lost them all for no reason
This makes sense ... won't prevent the server crashes, but it at least keeps us all from having hopes raised and then our little spirits crushed. Ah well - Trade bait posted ...
maybe the solution is to reject orders from the people who are constantly selling RxH after the release. I'm getting sick to death of all the people flipping shit here nowadays. Look back at all the orange and grey bubble chaos, such a hot release yet so many being flipped a few weeks after. Anybody caught flipping one of these should be named, shamed, and kicked square in the balls.
It's a drag about the server errors but otherwise I kinda like the way they're doing things now. There's never going to be such a thing as perfect fairness for all. It used to frustrate me for example that those on the east coast or other parts of the world have a better shot at things that appear at Mandarake and K-T than we in California do, due to time zones. It bothers others that we in SF have the S7 store to visit in person. It's really clear that the store staff does care about fairness but there's only so much they can do. Regarding the recent flipping, what can ya do? I wish it would self-regulate and I wish more people had the old-fashioned RFSO values. Obviously some still do but things have changed even during my time here. It's starting to burn me up a little to see people doing the eBay/YJA thing here with toys released during the past year or 18 months or so. Big huge profit margins, I mean. Yes, people will pay those prices but it ain't cool to be using this board that way. What happened to "take it to eBay?"
And that's why it works. If people are willing to pay stupid prices (not you, necessarily, pennjones), there will be those who will flip the toys at those prices on the board. Typically, no one complains because both parties are satisfied and the sale gets erased shortly thereafter. I think the term is "self-control."