No, I want this thing retail. I hope (yeah right) that someone who doesn't want this gets it to someone who does (me) and had it in their cart (me) before the server went down. But as I stated before, yeah right...
I think S7 deserves a lot of credit for the way they have brought RxH to more people then ever before. They have also turned a lot of new people onto the brand and it makes the thrill of the hunt even greater and the heart break even worse. Some people didn't even collect RxH before the Distro stores made it more accessible. I cannot believe the number of new collectors who sprout up every week. Welcome to the dark side I say. I would prefer them collecting this then KR shit. I know a lot of us long time collectors of Real Head know how much worse it used to be. It was never uncommon for one of us to be dropping hundreds on YJA. How many of us remember the Old Balance Chaos nightmare? Barely none of them seeing retail and being hoarded by a flipper after the kindness of an exclusive run. The Jyarinco set and how insanely difficult they were to obtain and some of us still need the Evil (Thank god I don't) We were lucky to have S7 exclusives to try to chase which was the only USA shot for us at retail a lot of times. Now look at the RxH game for a second. Lamour gets a beautiful run of figures, Frank damn near owns the Glow in the Dark line for RxH, Rotofugi gets an exclusive, Toy Tokyo gets one, some of our friends here have had custom shows and exclusives plus we have the distro giving us a chance to get things we never had before. I think they are catering to the US market now more then ever. We cannot expect every run to meet everyones needs though. We get our runs and we seem to get some of everything else that we would have NEVER had a chance prior to recently. The biggest single problem with things right now is people who are not buying to collect but to flip for other items which they will probably flip again. Sorry I hate seeing the trade bait for people trading something that dropped today for something that dropped a year ago. I just think most times that trade never happens and it ends up going to eBay and someone else who really needed it gets screwed. It's like saying make an offer because nobody has an extra Old Balance Chaos laying around to trade for that V3 today. One last thing... anyone who thinks S7's servers need help should try to collect art prints. Sure the site crashed for a few min and there was some problems with the cart but when you get six hours of crashing and over three thousand people trying to buy a Josh Keyes print yesterday you can feel it. Anyone who tries to buy Obey stuff knows how bad servers can be. Six thousand people queuing for a Nick Walker print which there was less then 50 of. I won't even talk about the nightmare buying Banksy stuff is. Hang in there guys and enjoy the thrill of the hunt. You got it way better then a lot of the people who have been collecting this for years before you. Oh and I didn't get get the V3 either and while I want it and I'm disappointed I know it's just part of the hunt.
just woke up and didnte realize this was going on for sale and after the last couple releaes im glad i was sleeping as i have missed everything im mean RxH is what the bemon was what secret base was what the zags where i mean that still is still hot but its the new thing everyone want and when they know that it can be flipped for stupid prices quick its a hot item i do like the idea of randomly putting it up on the site anyway just another one to add to the want list
KR dropping Dummys, MK dropping Cheuh, now S7 dropping RxH . . . buying frenzies are gettin' old . . .
I've never seen the site act as weird as it did today with all the errors and crashes, my one request would be that in the future don't announce if something is more limited than normal. I know it was mentioned to help but I think it hurt more than anything.
The distro shops do it that way and I don't buy anything at all from them anymore. I'm not buying the pit if you never offer me the cherry.
You are right I won't say anything anymore about how many we are getting. We are trying to figure out why the site is acting up suddenly but we are perplexed right now.
I never had a chance at this. Damn work- making money for toys keeps me away from the computer, where I can buy toys.
well that is one of the best evils and a tribute paint app too. and that mini-chaos is obviously the best mini yet, so I can understand the whining. but you guys still need to pony up and take it like the junkies you act like. how can anyone get any Head without someone getting on their knees? I would now like to offer my condolences to those boardmembers rich enough to afford every new release. It is a pity you cannot have what you want.
Aw, sucks I missed it due to having a job now, BUT them's the breaks! I have been SUPER lucky on the last couple releases, almost TOO lucky! Time for someone else to be lucky, I'm still hunting these bitches down, but I'm not gonna cry about it.
Had an Evil in my cart while at work, but after multiple tries, the site kept saying I had incorrect credit card info, even though it was all correct From this and reading what others experienced, the server must have been slammed really hard. After the upgrade awhile back, I had not had any problems w/ it. Oh well, I needed to save money anyway (translation - empty rationalization in a desperate attempt to feel better).
Okay this is one thing I would like looked at. I ordered something from s7 that was a common purchase...i.e. nothing rare...and I received an auto prompt saying my credit card was invalid. My credit card has a huge limit and expires in 5 years so I know that it shouldn't be rejected. However, it would not process the order. I had to process it through paypal which incidentally is linked to my credit card and through it I was able to successfully pay.
fucking work!!!! i have to come home and find out about this shit! FUCK!!!!!!.........and all this eternal server error shit is really getting old! its fucking impossible to get any kind of Rxh release like these!!!!