That sofubitoy account just commented a BS "Thanks for your support" on one of my pics. Is there any merit in keeping this account unblocked? For reporting's sake or anything? I already replied back though.
I just blocked the dude in the end. I deleted his BS comment too. The BootlegBusters account already knows of him.
Even Super 7 ain't safe:
Was listening to Cory @Omnihiro on the Marsham Toy Hour earlier today - there was a little section talking about what makes japanese sofubi so unique and he touched on how in Japan, the material is pretty much liquid vinyl whereas in other places like Mexico and China, the base is in powdered form. Cory mentioned that he has been getting some quite rude messages from overseas factories demanding the japanese liquid vinyl.. I'd bet $5 this bootlegger was one of the pushier people who made an enquiry..
I’ve yet to listen to the podcast, but I am excited to hear it. I’ve been tellin’ people for years that seikei in Japan is liquid, and a different consistency from China, but I didn’t know exactly how. Powder is super interesting to know!
Wow ali baba has a ton of "sofubi" I wonder if this is where that instagram bootlegger is getting his stuff. Kind of nuts. Also kind of nuts what they are bootlegging.
It looks like that's a Super7 product shot they're using for Stomp: They're probably just showing that as an example of what they can produce, rather than something they are actually producing. Go to their store page: Put in "Flynn" and you get more than one hit. They're just throwing a bunch of items out there with keywords that they think will attract interest of someone that wants to make their own figure. Search on "sofubi" and "kaiju" and you'll see stuff in there from Gargamel, Blobpus, etc.
Yea it's just advertising. This guy talks in depth about the process of going through manufactures on alibaba here:
I have seen at this producer's page that he reproduces chinese toys aswell and as you can see even Paul Kaiju isn't safe...
I’m wondering if this page that claims he can bootleg produce a bunch of different people’s toys actually can/will, or if it’s just a scam for monies. It’s absolute trash that bootlegging is happening period, but Paul and Joe have been sucked into their garbage pile by proxy, which has seemingly resulted into Paul’s Mockbat being threatened by these fuckin’ rats.
you can easily tell he wont get that right. Haroshi is all about measuring and precision. lol... that head looks good enough to be a starting log for a fire, thats about it. say whaaaa
@Roger ARB had posted just a few up an image of a Mockbat that appears to be from a bootlegger’s site, so that’s what I was goin’ off of.
^^^ Even without the backdrop, that paint job and those cheap hair plugs look completely fake to me. Neck joint is poorly done too. And despite how much they’ve been laughed about in the distant past, those eyes are not at all right either.
^ We both forgot the quintuple prayer hands! Oh well, no toy for us I guess. As much as this might have some interesting elements.... individually.... it almost belongs in the fugliest thread, one) for being an utter insult in every way to other toys, two) because, really, what the hell is going on with that concept?, four) execution, has the 'sculptor' never heard of proportion (looks like the lower half was a negative copy and the upper half a positive copy, and three) eck, that paintjob. Seriously wrong and terrible on more levels than I care to think over.