Thank you to LordGloom for looking out for a brother and letting me know one of my grails was for sale, and thank whatever invisible man in the sky you talk to for still letting it be there hours later because I'm a dumb ass who didn't know how to search for said grail. Pics will be posted upon it arrival. FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!
Amazing stuff Ed, congratulations! I expect a very enthusiastic report once said grail is gracing your generous presence. for an excellent SB community that continues to look out for its fellow toy nerdlingers.
I'm not understanding some toys now going for $300 to $500 new so a big thank you to all the artists keeping the old school prices.
Big thanks to Tommy (averagetorsotoys) for the new coffee mug. It filled the skull shaped hole in my black heart from the last one breaking.
*** WARNING: Potential sappiness to follow, Andy and others might want to turn aside before reading. And, for anyone who has not already blocked me, well don't say you didn't know what was coming. *** So, I think it's well passed time for another expression of sincere thanks to this community. And not because I've just gotten a new toy in, someone tipped me off or arranged for something, but just because. I've said it before I am sure, but fact is, it cannot be said enough, and, with all of the negativity and griping that can go on, I think it is also important to have a place to acknowledge the wonderful aspects of this hobby (and there are many), the foremost of which is the people. I want to really thank all the good folks on this board who have made my time here so special. I won't run off the whole list, but more than likely you know who you are. Some of you I may have met in person, but the vast majority are friends from afar who I am yet to meet (and give a big hairy bear hug to). Through the many lengthy and numerous PMs, discussions about the minutiae of toys, back-and-forths here on the forum, general nerdtalk, and even some of the quieter folk who just post picture now and then - to the ultimate silent ones who remain lurking forever (bet you're reading this right now... ). You've all built up a fantastic relationship on here, and I do see you guys as friends. This silly hobby - and particularly, this board for talking about plastic dollies - has gotten me through a lot of stuff in my life, and for that I am very grateful. There are always ups and downs, in collecting as in life, but the people here have made it all worthwhile. You guys rock, and I say that without one iota of irony or cheesiness. Thank you guys (and gals of course, using the general sense here, my apologies). Thank you for the convos, thank you for your patience, thank you for your sharing, and especially, thank you for being so consistently passionate and honest about this stuff. I could never say it enough, but know that you are appreciated. Your knowledge, enthusiasm, and patience is of great value to me, and it really makes collecting in this hobby truly an enjoyable experience, and one I am happy to continue for my life; for that I offer my thanks. Cheers to you special folk!
Thanks to you Steve for always providing an interesting comment to this forum, as you say this may be it´s a silly hobby; But it is something that in a way complements our lives and is always more pleasant to share with someone who has the same interests. A sincere hug for being so good partner!
Big ups and a huge thank you to @wing_clipper for the sweet deal! I've had my eye on a GID Dorogami that's been on eBay for months. I wasn't about to pay the asking price of $50, so I just continued to watch it.. Last night, Wing posted one on here for fifteen fucking bucks. Score!! Thanks again for the sweet deal, I look forward to adding him to my collection!
Living in Wales and so isolated from civilisation will do that to a guy! Try painting a face on a rugby ball for company!
A big thank you to the ebay seller that I bought a removable head Mecha Godzilla from a couple of months ago. Randomly out of the blue he just sent me the spare head,original bag and header card that he found in his loft. It really cheered me up to be on the recieving end of spontaneous thoughtfulness.
Nice one man! I'd hope that everyone would take this upon themselves, and have reached out on many occasions with a kind word to 'drop me a line' should the missing ____ show up, but to actually have it happen is wonderful, so massive cheers and thumbs up for that. A communal thank you to that seller, and all the like-minded folks out there who appreciate fair sharing from one collector/fan to another. Going the extra mile for your fellow duder/dudette, simply because you want them to also be happy, is a big part of this community that makes it such a rockin' place.
Thank you Collins Shots for being an unofficial yet long overdue sacrificial lamb. Please report directly to the Wicker Man and step right inside. Even idiots serve a purpose. Cheers!
I just want to say THANK YOU to toy karma for existing and definitely being real. THANK YOU TOY KARMA. Be nice. Do nice things for people. Don't expect a damn thing. Toy karma will find you.
I sincerely believe in this to the fullest. It takes a while to find your little spot in this community, but once you do, it can honestly be some of the best moments in your life. That might sound a little overboard in all honestly. Yet in all honesty some of the best guys I know are because of diving in headfirst into this. I've been doing this about 11 years or so now. I honestly have closer friends that hundreds/thousands of miles apart, than the ones I have near within the city. All the trips and such I have taken are worth it. simple as that no looking back.