I dunno, Yukinori Dehara might surpass Pushead... I don't collect the HPs though I have alot of the standard releases, even have a bronze KxP. So its kinda funny to watch this frothy mess from the sidelines...........
Bob just because we don't agree about Pushead and how he treats people doesn't give you permission to call me names. I'm not really into the elitist,only for ballers, punk behind a velvet rope nonsense like the hotel room event you went to last year and are eagerly awaiting this year. That is my opinion. If you can't take a little ball busting then I guess that is too bad. Mostly I was making jokes, I really don't give a shit one way or another. Have fun at the super private event!
Thanks for considering me and elitist and a baller. I always wanted to be part of the "in" crowd. But you should have said you were ball busting and joking around.....I was too!!!!!!!! Plus I got some more jokes....want to hear them?
A man is driving his five year old to a friend’s house when another car races in front and cuts them off, nearly causing an accident. "Douchebag!" the father yells. A moment later he realizes the indiscretion, pulls over, and turns to face his son. "Your father just said a bad word," he says. "I was angry at that driver, but that was no excuse for what I said. It was wrong. But just because I said it, it doesn’t make it right, and I don’t ever want to hear you saying it. Is that clear?" His son looks at him and says: "Too late, douchebag."
I could respond by calling you a baller but I have no idea if that's a good thing or a bad thing right now . . . I'm so conflicted. It's like when mommy and daddy use outside voices inside!
Boo! Jordan took my joke. I need to respond faster. but srsly, 7 was a self-reference. I can't go around telling everyone they're being too serious and then be too serious about myself.
I had an image of a bunch of mice wearing tiny masks dressed in velvet finery actually dancing except mice are small so they could do it in a small enclosed place. Now I'll spend the rest of the evening staring at a wall and still not be bored, thanks Josh (and Dr Sara).
Unfortunately my search turned up exactly what I was looking for along with about 100 other extremely graphic things I was not looking for. I will be spending the rest of the evening scrubbing my brain with a wire brush. oh yea, I didn't think what I found was appropriate for this thread of compassion and sensitivity. I recommend not turning off safe search if you decide to pursue the search yourself.