Yea -- That MechaG is awesome. Never seen him before. I need that all clear unpainted Kaijin Dokugan! So pretty.
aww, i cant see yr photos hillsy! i really like the clear ilanena set you have, hypermook!! Oh wait....weird,, i can see your pics hillsy in the preview screen below my reply window, but cannot see them in the regular mm love that beautiful purple godzilla, who did that sculpt? ....can't decide if i should let the mystery build around the clear dokugan or not....dum de dum de dum.......
The MechaG...I don't really know. It's about 4in and is cheapie plastic. Probably sold at train stations in the 70's. I have a feeling it's the same company that did the original bootleg (sounds funny) Dokuromen. The tinted blue Goji is by Marusan.
wow hillsy! you have incredible clear toys!! i mean top notch shit, those "tintings"? on the babooskas are really amazing!
was wondering how long it would take... yeah, i had an extra dx i was saving for a custom,, might still but in the meantime, taking the guts out fleshes out my collection nicely with an unusual or "rare" piece
Hillsy11 Love the stuff man.... FYI That Mechagodzila is a clear Slash reproduction of either a Nitto or Popy...