But the kaiju taro page says for overseas sales only I believe... Its like there is a bunch of cash-rich vinyl-starved freaks outside of Japan ruining it for all the homeboys
which one looks better? the unpainted one or the painted one ? seems the unpainted looks much gorgeous
I like the unpainted better, and generally I prefer paint. I'm not even into this sculpt that much and I think these colors are rocking.
I've been trying to keep my collection Zag-free, just because I don't want to get sucked into spending tons of $$, but I really like the painted one. Great colors. Must . . .resist . . .
It's easy. Just put what you want in your basket then click check out. They will send you a Paypal invoice..
Sorry I was trying to buy an unpainted zagoran and there is no buy it now button just something that says "more info" I sent them an email we'll see if they still have it but I doubt it.
There was special links sent in an e-mail for the pre-orders. They are not listed on the main page. edit: correction they have a banner pic on the main page that leads to it.
I see the pre-order link just fine, it's a banner. Here: http://www.kaiju-taro.com/index.php?ac= ... a&x=50&y=9 It says like "We hear the phantom footsteps of the repro Zag" or something like that, I kinda forget, but it's there.
I'm highly tempted by the unpainted clear orange. I love the fact that KT exclusives sell for straight retail.
Caved in and placed an order for a painted version. One Zag wont hurt ..................................................right?
i think that if your on the fence about this one, you should just go for it. KT has the absolute best prices on their exclusives.
The painted seems too close to the original colourway for me. Can't really tell as I don't have mine in front of me, but still seems nice.
paints a little darker i think, and less of it to show off the clear vinyl. also it looks like this one may have yellow/gold highlights on the arms and legs. they are similar but a good one for people that might not have the first one.
That clear orange is whetting my appetite...I thought I could stop with the purchasing for this week when I picked up the SB Coke Skull Brain...was I wrong...very wrong