I don't see any thread delicate to Bear Model think i should create one myself. They are not very active thats one of the reason i like them. and i really like the sculpt of their toy and paint job specially the release in the past few year, their style reminds me Masudaya... Here is thier website and blog in case someone don't know about them. http://www.bearmodel.com http://ameblo.jp/bearmodel/ Feel free to discuss anything or share photos about them, did anyone knows their story? I can't remember where i saw the article but as i remember people start notice them after the Hedorah release...
They have a collab with Medicom this month (Jan 2011) for the second release of Spectreman Hedoron and NeoHedoron And I found out they have another collab with Medicom on Feb too, Medicom created a url for Bear Model so i am guessing there will be more collab just like zollmen. http://www.bearbrick.com/beamodel/ Here is the order link (start at 6Feb): http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/proje ... onoba.html http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/proje ... obora.html
look like the debonoba(yellow) is their new sculpt from Lion Maru and the king cobora (blue) is from Diamond eye, i think this is the 2nd release debonoba king cobora
Good move on the Bear Model Thread those new Medicom collabs have great paint apps. I love the Bear Model sculpt because theyre typically kind of crude and they have the best Lucky Bags in the world
Bear Model king cobora 1st release Personally like the 1st version more. image borrow from here: http://khimairabox.blog57.fc2.com/blog-entry-121.html
Yes, can't come up a better word for my limited english, crude is what i think. I found picture of their lucky bag and those toy a nice but how much toys in the lucky bag for paying 10000yen each?
Looks like linking to the images on their blog doesnt work. http://ameblo.jp/bearmodel/image-10494789531-10473015403.html That one? You get one of each figure I think either painted or unpainted I believe.
I just move all JP blog link image to flickr, i like to read post with attracting photos. its a very good deal then~
I remember that thread. Those Coop photo's are badass! One good thing I've found about some Bear Model is that you can usually pick it up at a fairly low cost. I think I paid something like $20 for this one...
L1590786.jpg by COOP666, on Flickr L1590783.jpg by COOP666, on Flickr L1590792.jpg by COOP666, on Flickr L1590794.jpg by COOP666, on Flickr L1590800.jpg by COOP666, on Flickr
I really love their Big O. It's such a great wonky take on the design. The last one I saw was on the sale board but I had already missed it.
There's something about Bear Model sculpts that I just can't get into. I can't figure out what it is, though. I love humanoid bad guys, too.
Cool . . . . can't wait to receive my standard like this one. I love the colorway - it looks like gross pulpy-bruised skin . . . .
More pics of the Mandarake Bear Model set Kirara by The Moog Image Dump, on Flickr Kirara by The Moog Image Dump, on Flickr Sound Gila by The Moog Image Dump, on Flickr Sound Gila by The Moog Image Dump, on Flickr