Havent been around sofubitown at all just checking in and seeing whats new around here. I havent been stoked with all the subpar gaijinfubi rolling around but was interested in see whats new from japan. Not feelin these SHB figs but i like the concept of the naked lunch one. Gaijinfubi is the DRI Crossover to M1's Black Flag Damaged
Last I heard, there was an update coming around Christmas. Should be very soon, I hope. Looking forward to these...
Did not score any of them. But this one in particular is fierce! Really looks scary. Directly to my wants list.
...i feel dirty BUT i gotta admit i ordered that ooze guy from M-World. Just can't say no to the Ooze! *cough* shameless plug *cough* HELL the crappy band i play drums in ('Brain Zaps') uses slime as one of our many gimicks, and we even wrote a song bout Slime/Ooze. Caus why not ya know? http://brain-zaps.bandcamp.com/album/goatfest-iv-mix-cd-2014
Little behind on this thread but those are looking real good kichigai, not regretting preordering at all.
X by b-eaK, on Flickr https://flic.kr/p/noq7uz by b-eaK, on Flickr https://flic.kr/p/nCS9zC by b-eaK, on Flickr https://flic.kr/p/noq7Un by b-eaK, on Flickr crawdads by b-eaK, on Flickr these are in hand with orders in the mail and some still available.. pm thanx!!
very nice set! great to see shb persisting with the series at a more reasonable pace now that the initial desirability is over.
Got mine yesterday, the Pink is by far the best. These guys turned out way better than even expected.
Did anyone here get the Rabbit X figure from Fetish Festa? I just discovered (to my simultaneous delight and dismay) that there were TWO versions. Mine is on dark green vinyl, with muted colors, and looks just like the promo pics. But a friend on facebook just posted pics of his and it was on clear glittery vinyl (like the wonder festival moon men were). His is much brighter and more colorful and glittery! So jealous....wish I had known earlier there were two versions. I would have paid more attention to the ones that were selling on yahoo. I just assumed there was only one version and I already had it. Now it makes me wonder if there are alternate versions of all the moon men too. 2014-06-04 13.26.37 by malinablue, on Flickr MY RABBIT-X 10440955_10152192420826523_2856835284755695171_n by malinablue, on Flickr HIS RABBIT-X 13821915924_ecfd572881 by malinablue, on Flickr PROMO PIC cindy
Cool to see this variant. But I prefer your darker version. Looks like they have the same head. Only the body is different. And yours flows better, IMO.