Clearly folks have their favorites. If my opinion mattered (heh!), I'd love to see them stick with the head sculpts they've need for more. But then start introducing suit variations and differently-posed limbs. Nothing too drastic--the clear bubble helmet is a must...but switch things up (like with the Outer Space Men!). Then, mini vehicles. The Saucer was a good idea, but I didn't like the execution. I want something that I can open up and fit any figure in without having to pull him apart at the waist. I'm thinking something like an AT-ST walker-type thing with an open top that can fit a few dudes in it...
I like your ideas, Sanjeev! These would be absolutely awesome if they were actual toys, and not collectible figures. Like others I envisioned having a large collection, like with army men, and setting up huge battles and shooting rubber bands at them. If these were $10> a pop and came in a variety of poses I'd be hooked! For vehicles, a rover - that actually had wheels that worked - would be awesome!
once they started releasing those three packs (and that horrible saucer monster) I threw the idea of being complete out the window...I have almost (maybe more than) 30 of them and I'm not even close to complete. way too many, though I still love them.
This guy is one of the biggest douche bags on this board. I don't understand why anyone would want to help this guy.
$180.00!!! twha eht kucf!!!! Scuze my pig French ya'll. ,,,,,huh,,,wazzat you say? Jan Hammer? The guy who did the Miami Vice theme music?? ooohh BAN HAMMER!
Hes also selling Empuyia Heaters for $130... lol you cant sell those things for $20 here... I'd like to join the torches and pitchforks committe please.
^^^ It's been addressed in another thread but basically he purchased some heaters and other items from various people including Flynn and Plover and flipped them on ebay. He's changed his ebay handle 1 or 2 times but it's the same guy.
What about the Space Trooper good guys featured in the Encyclo? I don't remember ever seeing any of them solicited before...
I usually don't get the excitement over innards - but those guys are awesome (well, the regular and Death 13 heads). I'd really like to see these with painted heads...I'm thinking of the clear guys with the metallic blue and green heads.
These are amazing. with the Ghost trooper and now these, as others have said, it's difficult to stay away from them. I'm loving thos troopers.
Nikemsi, that picture is sick, dude! I love it! Messing with low lighting and long exposure times is mad fun!