A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by mondocoyote, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Feb 21, 2006
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    Don't be depressed - just don't spend stupid money on a new toy. Be patient and if you still want one down the road you'll get one for a lot cheaper. Or just keep entering the lotteries.
  2. rockert

    rockert Addicted

    Jan 25, 2009
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    You guys should pimp your Nags on the Facebook!

    On Wednesday January 26, 2011, 2:23 pm EST

    NEW YORK (AP) -- Facebook users who check in to a store or "like" a brand may soon find those actions re-transmitted on their friends' pages as a "Sponsored Story" paid for by advertisers.

    Currently there is no way for users to decline this feature.
  3. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Feb 2, 2006
    The Grim North
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    It can . . . but generally it was thought of as cool to hook up fellow collectors. Although these days it does seem to be heading towards the 'every man for himself' school of collecting so I have good list and a naughty list.

    All those on the naughty list can fuck themselves! ;)
  4. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Feb 21, 2006
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    Ah, gotcha. I agree with this sentiment. I just also think that people that buy brand new toys for 10x retail are dumb (okay, not necessarily that the PERSON is dumb, but their actions).
  5. I Am The Fourth

    I Am The Fourth Post Pimp

    Apr 13, 2010
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    I'm with Greg. It's what makes the world go round.

    Hope bomb! I feel happy now!
  6. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Feb 21, 2006
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    I think there's a distinction - it's cool to hook up fellow collectors with new toys at retail. But I would never expect anyone to sell me a HP Bemon for $80 just because that's what they originally retailed for. And while I would certainly take up that offer, I would also think the seller to be nuts.
  7. Greg Mishka

    Greg Mishka Addicted

    Nov 7, 2007
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    I think its simple supply and demand really. It may seem dumb but if you have a disposable income you buy something just cause you want to buy it not how much it was originally sold for.

    I think the easiest way to look at it its like property (housing) you pay for location not necessarily size or what something was worth that the original value. Good analogy? Not sure yet...
  8. zapatoloco

    zapatoloco Comment King

    Apr 9, 2006
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    This frenchy can flip my nags all day if she wants to.


    Supply and demand is something we have to live with. I think its hilarious how much people will pay for the nag but having fallen under its mysterious spell i can understand the compulsion.

    Sure it makes the secondary market an inaccessible pain for all but the richest and/or craziest collectors. But since theres always the initial lottery access point we all have a chance at pretty good odds, given that 50-100 people throughout the world seem to be interested.

    i heard some genjin couples in rural Hunan have started selling off their little naglets due to the B.G. price bubble : (
  9. I Am The Fourth

    I Am The Fourth Post Pimp

    Apr 13, 2010
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    I'm going to go with the simple logic of:
    You buy it for however much you want to pay for it, HIGH or LOW, as long as that your happy and that's what you want- that's all matters. It's your own little world, and whatever makes you happy- do it.
    And don't even EXPECT to get that money back.
    Kind of annoys me when someone is like "but I paid this much $$ for it XXyrs ago".
    Well it's TODAY now. Times and the dollar have changed.
    Though I can play devils advocate with all of this too.
    You have the right to ask however much you want! Like Greg said, it's economics.

    And sometimes when you get that grail... finally having it in your hands- it's not as exciting as you might have thought it would be.
    Something about a toy being unattainable due to the number of releases or cost make it all part of the adventure. You got "Adrenaline Junkies" and then there are "Collector Junkies". It's all about the ride to some. And move on to the next.

    I don't even know what I'm talking about now...
  10. KaosHead

    KaosHead Addicted

    May 17, 2009
    C A N A D A :: BC
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    I know this is off topic by now, but I would really like to find out more about Shigeru the artist and how and why he made this figure the way it is. I recall seeing an occasional reference that the "Violent Caveman" name has something to do with Hiroshima, but I bet there's more.

    Has he done other modern kaiju pieces as well, or does he have other artistic outlets as well like paintings?

    Also, are the artistic collaborators like Lamour and COOP not allowed to or rather do not prefer to discuss their interactions with him?

    See, I am one of those that are captivated with the visual impact of his work.

    And for the record, I would suck a donkey's hairy infested balls for a Siamese version. Just dip 'em into sweet&sour... :oops:
  11. Dikasaur

    Dikasaur Toy Prince

    Jun 4, 2010
    Da rotten apple
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    Kaws takes iconic figures and adds the x's and bones twist to them, there for his stuff would obviously be more sought after. But i don't really think it has to do much with his artistic skills over shigeru's. Now i do agree with greg, i think he was hinting more on the fact that buying a kaws piece for 1500 and a nag for 1000 shouldn't have too much of a difference when they both may have valid reasons why that kind of money should be spent.

    People being dumb i think can be said for both nags and kaws. Like i said kaws obviously will have a bigger fan base but how authentic and original is a dead mickey or tweety. But people pay it why because of the hype and of course the fan base of geniuses buying shit on a stick :lol:.
  12. I Am The Fourth

    I Am The Fourth Post Pimp

    Apr 13, 2010
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    I think KaosHead is on to something... I would like to know more, also! Someone explain!

    Sweet & Sour anything, I'm in! Wendys Chicken Nuggets!
  13. Greg Mishka

    Greg Mishka Addicted

    Nov 7, 2007
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    Yea either way, I think it all has to do with hype. Did you see how much KAWS pieces started going for after Kanye had a companion in one of his videos?

    I dont think people should get mad that people buy things to resell them, especially if someone is willing to pay that amount. It always sucks that "fans" cant get their hands on one, but that is just the name of this game.
  14. Greg Mishka

    Greg Mishka Addicted

    Nov 7, 2007
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    Have you seen the custom Nag that he made for COOP or the Barom 1 model he made for Lamour? This dude is an artist true and true. I think there is a language barrier so when I have asked him about the VC, he mostly makes jokes about it, likes its a piece of shit and that he sculpted it in like an hour or something. (or something) I am pretty sure he is usually joking with me, but who knows, either way I like that fact that he stays mysterious and doesnt say much and lets his art do the talking.

    I will say that Shigeru is 100% serious about his art and what he is doing and is a very passionate person, and I am def honored that I can work so closely with him.
  15. Dikasaur

    Dikasaur Toy Prince

    Jun 4, 2010
    Da rotten apple
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    :lol: :lol: I couldn't of said it better thats exactly what its about. If it makes you happy and its something you really want go for it. shit i love that the price can go threw the roof if you can do it go for it if not then hey the hunt continues. I know the few with a four eye nag are sitting pretty and looking at the numbers change. Spend what you can on what you like, as long as you don't end up sleeping in a alley craving the next Nag hit i think you'll be ok.
  16. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Nov 26, 2006
    Chicago, Like R.Kelly
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    A few points:

    - The propery analogy is pretty good I think.
    - It's not about someone spending money and being happy with it. It's about someone coming to a community, (who also enjoys it but now have to watch the price inflate because of a minority of fellow fans with deeper pockets) then bragging about it.

    I think that's what the lost key is here. Yeah, spend what you want and can for SURE! But don't come on the board and be like "HEY GUYS DROPPED A G ON THIS TOY YEAH!" Post pics and whatever, but what you spent or you being the "bidder"? Just keep it to yourself. We'll probably figure it out, we're weird stalkers.

    For example: Early on I bought the Old Balance Chaos for $150. Most RxH wasn't selling for that much then (later the thing was being sold for like $300 I think?) There was a big thing about how Old Balance was flipping them direct. I didn't know, I just got offered one, could afford it and wanted it. I didn't go around saying "HAY GUYS GUESS WHAT?!?!@" I posted pics and, like the OCD weirdo's we are, 1 member PMd me and we discussed it. I didn't know, but they were'nt up my crack about it either. It was just like "whatever."

    So we all know these will be flipped for dumb prices, but why be the one to admit that and then expect the board to accept that? Just buy it and shut up if that's what you're gonna do. Buy toys. Shut up. (says the dude with way too many posts vs. his time on the board.)
  17. COOP

    COOP Comment King

    Feb 22, 2010
    Los Angeles
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio

    There's no embargo on my relationship with Shigeru - beyond the difficulties of the language barrier, it has been lots of fun collaborating with him.

    I would consider a Boryoku Genjin (incredibly small runs, each hand-painted by the artist/designer/sculptor) a MUCH better investment than some mass-produced shit that is cranked out by the KAWS licensing juggernaut.
  18. I Am The Fourth

    I Am The Fourth Post Pimp

    Apr 13, 2010
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    Exactly. I started realizing this after getting into the game. Just buy toys for YOU. Don't get it to impress anyone else. You'll end up with a shelf full of regret.
    How you go about getting them, or how much you paid doesn't matter. We'll find out anyway. :twisted:
  19. I Am The Fourth

    I Am The Fourth Post Pimp

    Apr 13, 2010
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    And can I just add, I like this kind of discussion and activity on the board.
    Good way to finish out the day at the office. ;)
  20. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Nov 26, 2006
    Chicago, Like R.Kelly
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    Well I've gotten better deals by waiting it out. I'm still against going that bat-shit crazy money wise on toys. Chill out, sit back, it happens when it happens.

    So now can we disappoint Andy by simmering down on the internet drama slap fights and talk about the toy more? Or not, I don't care really, it ammuses me as well.
  21. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Feb 2, 2006
    The Grim North
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    Not a prayer! . . .160+ pages in and it's still just as funny watching guys run around like headless chickens chasing after the same fugly ass chunk of vinyl! :D
  22. KaosHead

    KaosHead Addicted

    May 17, 2009
    C A N A D A :: BC
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    Indeed those customs do speak volumes about his talents, if the original figures weren't enough. I was wondering what if anything Shigeru has ever said about these 2 fine artists and how they influenced him. Are there others that he might have mentioned?
    That's how it works, connections..

    Well, I believe it's high time we sick one of our Tokyo correspondents on him,no? :twisted:
    Language is no longer the barrier it used to be, things that get lost in translation notwithstanding..
  23. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    I love this toy and respect Shigerus work a lot. But I find it interesting that you guys are acting like he is so much different than many of the other sofubi makers.

    I can name atleast 5 other makers of the top of my head that do this EXACT same thing yet they don't get this treatment.

    This is a toy and should be taken that way, same goes for KAWS or any other "toy"

    Limited to 10 in the sofubi world is not uncommon, and limited to 500 in the western toy scene is also not uncommon.

    Shig my joke as he may see it this way as well.

    And for many of us it took that one super huge purchas to open our eyes to exactly what we just paid for and the mistske we made. I have done it and until that point you can get wrapped up in the addiction.

    This toy is great, but at the end of the day it's just another cool toy with the same run size and original cost as any other toy.

    All this other price maddness and bullshit is created by us not the creator.
  24. oniclub

    oniclub Addicted

    Mar 1, 2010
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    Have to admit i fell in love with the BG when i first seen the sculpt and i have had three in my short time on here two have been trades and one was a lottery win. And i sold or traded them all through skullbrain for a lot less then what they are going for now. Just think its crazy that someone on the other side of the world to me is sitting there hand painting these figures himself and sending them out internationally to collectors.
  25. kopponigen

    kopponigen Post Pimp

    Aug 27, 2008
    CDMX, Mexico
    A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio
    Well said!

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