As you may or may not know, the original Godzilla sculpt is my albatross. I have spent more time obsessing over this stupid toy than just about any other. It is sort of the alpha of Japanese toys for me. I think I have about 20 variations from over the years. Anyways, the first two iterations of the figure are mythical mostly and not really known to exist. The original blue vinyl (samples?) had a steep J shaped tail, and the second edition was made in light green vinyl, painted with dark green paint and metallic blue paint. All other Marusan/Bullmark Godzilla figures (with a couple minor exceptions) are in some sort of shade of dark blueish-green. These two original Marusan Godzilla figures were made at the same time as the original UltraQ figures in 1966, and the green second editions are supposedly editions of 500 made in 1966. Needless to say, there are only a couple known to exist. (check out that double SAN foot stamp on light green. Rad.) Anyways, when the rubber hits the road, I dumped a brick of toys and then jumped in to snatch up one more mythical toy off of the checklist. Granted, I know no one else I know will ever appreciate it, heck, even some of those that do wouldn't jump in on this figure but I still can't believe I have one. To call this a "grail" figure is an understatement. Awesome.
Well, I can appreciate your quest of the awesome king of the monsters! To have one so old and so rare makes you an official keeper of toy history! A guardian of the past. Congratulations on your acquisition, you are the envy of many!
Holy Godzilla! So this is it, wow! What an interesting history and rarity! It looks pretty good and is in great condition for a 1960's example. I feel great that the funds from the toy I bought from you in some small way contributed to this fantastic purchase. Congratulations on the score!
Oh we know your obsession alright. Proof in the S7 magazine coverage. Was it issue No.1? or at least one of the first 3 issues. When I first read S7 I thought phew, I'm not alone and there are people crazier than me Congrats on your find, Mr. Flynn.
Thanks for this little toy history lesson and congrats for this amazing find. It seems in an amazing condition too
Awesome Thanks for the history lesson..So glad the big one you were after ended up being The King of all Kaiju..Congrats
OOooooowww! So that's what you've been up to. Congrats!!!!!!!! Yeah w/out the explanation the significance would have been had for me to wrap my mind around. Neat photos.
Congrats! It seems so much more textured (i.e., the grooves seem much deeper) than subsequent releases. But I guess that's to be expected.
I have the blue paint your own version already. I need the J-tail version (possibly a sample only), which I don't know anyone who has an original, as well as the light green vinyl with only dark green spray (no blue), but only one of those is known to exist. After that, I have seen an unassembled and unpainted black test shot from the mold that are supposedly vintage, but I don;t really count that stuff. I need a J-Tail, so if you have a spare, please let me know.
Super Rad!!!! This is what toy collecting is all about!!! We all know how it is to hunt something down for years and years and then to finally get it.... This makes me happy!
Isn't the J-tail pictured in the Mook? I always assumed that meant someone had it. Congrats on the score... gorgeous figure.
the blue samples and this one here (figures 01-03) are listed but not pictured in the mook amazing score brian!!!