I've had these guys for many yrs and never knew what show they were from until I was recently looking thru an old book about Japanese superhero shows and low and behold there they were, right on the Megaloman page, does anyone know their names? Untitled by b.corley65, on Flickr Untitled by b.corley65, on Flickr Untitled by b.corley65, on Flickr
These are definitely underrated figures, fairly easy to come by and often cheap too, yet great toys. The first guy's name is Zubogu [ズボーグ] and the second guy is called Zaninga [ザニンガ]. Both are from Takatoku toys.
^^ Man, i really like that one at the top with the trunk. I've never seen it before. One to add to my wants!
i'd love to find Zubogu. here are the two i have. does anyone know the name of the one on the left? i believe there were only these 3 made, is that true?
That guy is called Goran [ゴラン], from the second episode. I am not sure how many other characters actually got made. I know I have seen the enemy Captain Dager before: as well as this henchmen guy: Some of the hero guys were done in a similar Popy style: And of course Megaloman himself. As a bonus, here is a pic of a sweet three pack of the monsters with Megaloman and a bonus card.
yeah i got my two for i think $20 a piece. i feel like they sometimes pop up mis-listed as Godzilla's Gang figures.
Just found and purchased two online, not the snorkel guy though... although I did get the rainbow painted dino guy. Pretty happy about that!
Thanks to a Skullbrain member I now finally have a Megaloman to stand next to those Kaiju Megaloman and pals by b.corley65, on Flickr