So, those of you who came by the booth at SDCC saw what was the proto of our original sculpt.Lamour and I decided some changes needed to be made to make the molding process more efficient, so we went back to the drawing board with the sculpt and Im very happy with the new sculpt and I think you guys will like it too.Check out for pics and make sure to check back every week for new pics and updates on this figure and future projects we have in the works.Thanks
looks awesome! so is that 2 heads (better than one) or will it be an articulated skull that rotates back to reveal the eye? I don't know what the limits of resin sculpting are, so pardon me if the question is stupid...
No stupid question here. It actually happened by accident. I sculpted the head seperate from the body for production purposes. My 5 year old nephew commented how the skull face would look cool as the actuall face so I just countersank the eye into the body so it could sit like that also. I did it so we could make the head painted and the body a different color resin or clear and it wouldn't hold us up on production time. Worked out well. I'm especially proud of the back shell with a demon face. Stay tuned because me and Lokash got villains and other supporting dudes lined up.
wow you guys! this is gonna be completely cool. any more details? final figure be resin? colorways? sign me up!
I think more than a couple of people here could steer you to a vinyl factory.... either way, resin or vinyl, this guy is looking awesome.
thanks everyone. Toybot, I think you just brought out a good point. Anyone can make an investment in a toy manufacturer overseas with enough money. This is a more diy kind of thing. Just having fun because we don't have backers or the investment capitol so we just went out and did it. I think more people need to create in this fashion instead of waiting for big investors or not even trying because they don't have major money to invest. Take a sculpting class and a mold/cast making, printmaking, etc and find out how to do it yourself. I know there's tons of great ideas among skullbrainers from talking to a few of you. Some have just taken the initiative and I really admire that. Others are just borderline or contemplating doing their own thing. Do it. Make a claim for yourselves. Create. You don't need a lot of money just some motivation.
Both Kirkland and Lamour are right. Stay tuned for my new resin fig too. Coming soon to a thread near you! (currently in moulding stage).
You guys really kicked ass with this one! I got to peek at the the skull of one at SDCC and dug it, great job!