Sick pictures! Great new stuff all around. Looks like we solved the mystery of the green Balbagon someone picked up off of YJA recently. New mini-docross is nice but not crazy. Love the new cronic, woa.
Wow- incredible assortment of stuff- thanks for posting, data! Those original design clays at the top of the second page and the rainbow cyclops figure are amazing- I love the one with the third eye and the duck bill! Any details on those?
WOW So much to want. Only so much I can buy. The coolest things to me were the new Cronic sculpt (big boner for slime monsters) the new Lucky Cat (I generally don't care for the cats, but that's an awesome color) and the Rainbow Cyclops. Very fun, thanks for pics! Hope I can score most that RxH, but the Mutant seems to be the best looking one there.
The unpainted red choasman with the unpainted black chaosman will be a best match The unpainted black ichi with the unpainted red ichi will be another great match !
Mutant should be easiest to score too. The cat is a one off that I guess was a gift from Mori to someone else. Not sure who though can't understand the katakana.
Psht, wish I could've gotten a red unpainted Ichi or Black unpainted Chaos They'd all go great together though, you're right.
It seems no way to get a black unpainted chaos, may be we can wash it with black paint and make one ourselves then
Now thats just plain cheating.. did someone say these all black ichi's and bigs are limitd to 10, or are they makin more later for pre-order ?
Now I have hundreds of questions, a whole lot of the grey stuff look like garage kits, are they or are they prototypes for toys? The transforming King Joe is nuts, so is the Ultraman(sorta) with the Vacuum, I assume its the parody from the TV commercials that ran in Japan? Now the hunt begins...
From the thread ... highlight= KLaddict mentioned the quantity after his visit to the show
Any info. on those protos shown in DSCF1549 - DSCF1553? I too am loving that Ultravacuum guy. I don't care much for Cronic, but those NerdOne bull-skull guys are so awesome and I really like the new red version. I just wish I could actually find them.
Great pics, thanks for sharing. Who the hell is this guy with the bloodshot balls on its head in pic DSCF1564? I've gotta get one!
The added lettering says "Thank you ... Superfes." I like that metallic green as well. Thanks again for a great pic set. The stuff dreams are made of. Looks like they will be doing other color versions of the King Joe. That Ultraman Vacuum guy is nertz!
What are those Mattel Mads? and what is up with this ... 586192842/ !!!
Oh my god, what have I been missing out on!?!!! ... 2639c9.jpg ... fb9f9d.jpg ... 664289.jpg