FXXK!!!!! That Zag Pilot must have been either super limited or making a second appearance today at WF because he sure didn't hang out at Thrash Out for long I was on the first train from Yokosuka to Koenji (5:08 am). I was in front of Thrash Out by 6:45 am. There were already about 20 people in front of me Well it turns out the lady in front had been set up for TWO DAYS Really Get the fxxk out of here I thought I was hard core Okay so everything, Everything, EVERYTHING was SOLD OUT by the time I got in. Well I was able to pick up a SDCC Zag and was given this GID Mighten (??) so my ten hours of waiting wasn't a total loss I'm just a little upset. How can you have an anniversary sale and only have less than 20 of each new release?? Anyone?? I could understand a special, but I'm talking about the ones they listed on their site (Damnedron / Zag Pilot)
That totally sucks ass, ld. You scored a GID Mightin and a Zag so I guess it wasn't a total loss, right? What the hell though. I want a GID mightin.
I was wondering after the anniversary sale, what they would have left for an encore at WF. Now, I am almost certain these will be onsale at WF. I tried their website today, and that was useless as well! Congrats on the gid mightyn, though!
my heart was broken and now my spirit. I'm NEVER going to wait for a Gargamel release again though. It just wasn't worth it. Oh did I mention yesterday was the hottest day in Japan this summer
That sucks, Although the Mightin is nuts, ( I want one!) I would be pisted as hell. Seriously, why even announce that, at least post the run size so you that you won't be getting one unless you take a week off of work... I just have to wonder what they are thinking
I'm not 100% sure, but I think it was just a present for going to their Anniversary? It says "Thrash Out 3" and then some Japanese that means Anniversary on the back of the header. I'll post a picture a little later.
Sucks you missed the pilot, but an SDCC Zag and a special (and free?) GID fig...sounds like a success to me.
I thought you only collected SB ? So why even bother driving yourself nuts ?? And I agree why didnt they have more, that is odd !
I think for with your resources you'll be able to trade for one sooner rather than And the GID is awesome, you're still up 90% over the rest of us if that helps take some of the sting out. I agree with you about the limited number of zags. It reminds of a certain stores anniversary RxH release that was gone in 10 seconds...
Unless they sold them at WF or are holding them for something else I'm guessing less than 20 So yeah you might need a blade!