9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by SAMBA, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. SAMBA

    SAMBA Comment King

    May 6, 2007
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    I know this forum has a lot of Americans post on it and I was just wondering what your perspectives on it were-

    By all accounts it seems to be a growing hot topic in your country, and something that people seem (understandably) very passionate about on both sides of the debate.

    In my country there has been a steady, growing ammount of mainstream media coverage and the more credible sources that cover and debate the subject, the more the general feeling seems to be that there are some very strange and unexplained parts to the 'official' govenment version of events as well as much contridictory scientific edivence.

    Normally I am not the type of person to believe these type of things but the more I hear about it the more I am inclined to think something dodgy is going on. Some of the edivence is very compelling.
  2. keiboba

    keiboba Comment King

    Jan 22, 2006
    Rockford, MI
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    The thing that I will never get over is how fast and perfect the towers came down. It was a controlled fall, perfect footprint, demolition perfect.

    The rest of it, I have a hard time buying. But I remember watching the Towers collapse live on TV and thinking, it looks like a controlled implosion. 10 or 11 seconds and a 110 story building is in rubble. That's freefall speed.

    Just talking physics and stuff.
  3. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Nov 26, 2006
    Chicago, Like R.Kelly
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    I think some angry Muslims got in some planes and blew some shit up. That's my theory.
  4. Frank Kozik

    Frank Kozik Mini Boss

    Oct 22, 2005
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    a bunch of guys hijacked 4 planes. 2 hit the towers, 1 hit the pentagon, on a field in PA. shit blew up. lotta people died.

    no conspiracy.
  5. SAMBA

    SAMBA Comment King

    May 6, 2007
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....

    Yeah that is what I find one of the most compelling also-

    Those huge clouds of dust should not have been there aswell,

    According to the official story the fire from the plane crash weakened the steel and it could no longer support the weight of the buildings, in which case the only force acting bringing the towers down was gravity. Those huge clouds of dust are the bulidings concrete actually being vaporised, gravity isnt strong enough to turn concrete into dust no matter what height it drops from. If it was only gravity bringing the towers down it should have looked more like the aftermath of an earthquake or somthing- but the towers turned to dust mid-air like they were being blown apart.
  6. SaintOfSpinners

    SaintOfSpinners Side Dealer

    Jul 20, 2007
    Los Angeles
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    some ahole who fishes from a man made pond is trying to start the apocolypse by helping a bunch of people buy into the idea that a few hundred extreamists living in caves and armed with plastic forks are more dangerous then global warming, loss of water, and unrenewable energy sources.

    and the us dollar is dropping, dropping...gone.
  7. blashyrkh

    blashyrkh Addicted

    Dec 10, 2005
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    While I have no doubt that we aren't told everything about 9/11, I have a stronger belief that certain forces in our government put this conspiracy white noise out there to get the nut cases dwelling on it so they don't pay attention to the blatant pulling of our rights, stealing of our votes and waste of our tax dollars happening right out in public. You don't need a conspiracy if you do it openly and no one talks about it.

    No matter how evil you may or may not think some of our leaders are, does anyone actually think these guys could pull that off? Do you know how many people would have to be involved AND keep their mouths shut about it? Do you think the guys who have bungled Iraq could be organized enough to do this? No f**king way.

    Some pieces of crap from there who hate some other pieces of crap from here flew into some buildings. There is way more to it than that, but when it come specifically to the events of that day, I think that's what happened. Unfortunately, all of us regular people on both sides have to get hurt so these guys can have some kind of monetary and religious pissing contest.

    (edited to fix a misspelling)
  8. Krudler

    Krudler Comment King

    Mar 23, 2007
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    This Administration is completely incompetent.

    Other than political dirty tricks, spin, and Federal law enforcement they can't seem to get anything right.

    Its difficult to believe the Administration could pull off a conspiracy of this magnitude when basically everything they touch turns to shit. Conspiracy theorists give them far too much credit.
  9. redhanded

    redhanded Side Dealer

    Dec 17, 2006
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    There is a busload of conspiracy theorist and a whole lot of hog wash. You have radio jockies spouting about how it could not have happened as the offical word has it. So you get conspiracy nuts jumping on the bandwagon with no real experierience and you have Popular Mechanics magazine who explained it all pretty clearly.
    Im tired of armchair engineers who spout so much crap.
  10. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Feb 18, 2007
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
  11. SaintOfSpinners

    SaintOfSpinners Side Dealer

    Jul 20, 2007
    Los Angeles
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    one might also think this administration is completly competent and successful. so much money continues to be taken from the american taxpayer and funneled directly into the pockets of right wind religious extreamists. keep the war going and keep making money. keep having catastrofies and halliburton is always ready to get another no bid/over charge/under perform contract. mission accomplished.
  12. Robert DeCastro

    Robert DeCastro Side Dealer

    Apr 24, 2007
    In Limbo
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
  13. SAMBA

    SAMBA Comment King

    May 6, 2007
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    WTC 7 and the pools of molten steel, if these could be explained to me I would believe the official story- but there is no explination or mention of them in the report into 9/11.

    WTC 7 the other skyscraper that fell down into its own foot print at 5 o'clock that day and wasnt hit by a plane.

    Liquid molten steel found at the world trade center site, if the fires were only strong enough to weaken this steel what caused it to melt into liquid? It stayed in this form deep at the bottom of the wreckage for 3 weeks while they were clearing the site.

    Also it is widely reported that 11 of the 18 hijackers are still alive and living in the middle east- which makes you wonder who was on those planes.

    But yeah- you would think it would take 1000's of people to pull somthing like this off and you would think that someone would have spoken out about it by now or somthing.

    Still its not good to have blind faith in either side of the argument- but you would think that some of these points could be eaisly cleared up and explained if it did go down the way they say it did.
  14. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Nov 26, 2006
    Chicago, Like R.Kelly
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    I'm not an engineer or scientist, so I have to go on what I'm told. But than how can I believe what I'm told? By anyone? How do I know the scientist or engineer telling me "that was staged" isn't just saying that because they're taking sides? How do I know how good they are at their jobs? How do I know? I DON'T! Question EVERYBODY. Not enough people do. They take what they WANT to believe from one side and walk away.

    All I DO know is some angry jag offs flew some planes into buildings and now a ton of people are dead.

    I think it was Wario and that damned brother of his, Waluigi. Those motherfuckers have been running a muck too long. Or Al Gore.......no Al Sharpton.
  15. Krudler

    Krudler Comment King

    Mar 23, 2007
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    Yes they are good at enriching themselves and the Corporations that benefit them but imho thats not competence but rather greed and corruption.

    I can't see these buffoons pulling off 9/11 and not getting found out.
  16. Frank Kozik

    Frank Kozik Mini Boss

    Oct 22, 2005
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    so..pretty much t he entire us government and military is in a conspiracy, but, WHOA, some dude on a toy collecting forum has cracked the code and figured it out.

    yep. right. AMAZING.


    Now..who killed JFK?
  17. Frank Kozik

    Frank Kozik Mini Boss

    Oct 22, 2005
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....

    corporations: they are owned by PEOPLE. anyone can buy shares in publically traded corporations. I own stock in many.

    they forgot to inform me of the conspiracy.

    OMG wait..I OWN A CORPORATION AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    //ok. I confess, I was in on it.

  18. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Nov 25, 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    I can't buy any of the MIHOP (Made It Happen On Purpose) or LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose) theories. Just the idea of the WTC being a controlled demolition alone would require so many people and so much equipment and planning. It's hard to imagine that nobody noticed it happening.

    There are only two things that I don't think we know the entire truth about:

    - Shanksville: I believe that the passengers worked against the hijackers to bring down the plane. I also believe in the possibility that it was also shot down by the Air Force. Why? In the days after the attacks, the State Department and FBI were releasing conflicting statements over whether or not the plane was shot down or not. Eventually, one agency acquiesced and they began presenting a consistent story. Also, it seems to me that the wreckage was spread out over a very wide area for something that ran into the ground. Why would the government keep it a secret? Because it would only add to what is already an unimaginable tragedy.

    - Washington: The reluctance of the government to release the surveillance tapes makes me wonder if there wasn't some sort of concealed anti-air defense deployed against the jet before it hit the building. Again, just speculating, I could imagine they'd want to keep this hush-hush for security reasons, especially if it was something like (humor me) SDI.

    It's a hard thing to come to terms with, that nineteen suicidal religious nuts hijacked four planes and massacred thousands of people. That's probably why the theories persist so strongly.

    (And incidentally, they did it cheaply, the whole operation costing only about $250,000, the price of one Stinger missile. Compare that to the trillions this war in Iraq is going to cost us.)

    There are plenty of oddities about the whole thing, I'll give you that, like Mohammed Atta's passport sitting on top of the 9/11, or the fact that Bin Laden's FBI's most wanted page still doesn't list the 9/11 attacks (see fbi.gov), but all this stuff about voice-changing technology, lost gold boullion, or holographic jets (see documentaries like Loose Change for fun stuff like this), would truly be laughable if the subject weren't so serious. I guess sometimes it's easy to trade horror for science fiction.
  19. Frank Kozik

    Frank Kozik Mini Boss

    Oct 22, 2005
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    all I know is that in like a year Bush is gone and we still dont have any labor camps!!!!!!!!!!!

    dammit, when I voted republican they promised to round up all the hippies!

    & years later ...they are still running around free..BLOGGING.

    hopefully ROD HAM will do a better job at crushing the hippes.
  20. SAMBA

    SAMBA Comment King

    May 6, 2007
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    Im not saying I know anything about anything-

    But do you think it is wrong for people to ask questions about this?

    Why do people start getting so mad for asking questions about this in America? I understand it is a sensitive subject and a lot of people died- but it has effected everyone across the world.
  21. redhanded

    redhanded Side Dealer

    Dec 17, 2006
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    Alex Jones is a local Austinite and well know conspiracy theorist, he has been on several national radio shows as a guest including Coast to Coast and has a his own public access show and radio show here in Austin.

    They make him sound rational on the 9-11 conspiracy 'documentary' that some of you might be familiar with from the history channel, but seeing this guy in the 90s and listening to his show this guy is a nut case. He can believe and speak what he wants be if you knew his history, seen his show, and believe the conspiracy...you would see the joke is on you.
  22. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Nov 25, 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    It's definitely a sore subject, and for those of us who live in the NYC metro area, saw it with our own eyes, and know people who lived through it (and those who didn't), it's become pretty irritating. Any time people like the producers of Loose Change appear on local talk shows to present their case, there are dozens of firefighters, rescue workers, and other survivors who turn their "facts" into swiss cheese. It's almost embarrassing.

    But no, it's not wrong for people to ask questions about this. It just seems sort of silly at this point, especially given what the questions infer.

    Are there any conspiracy theories about the bombings in Britain? If there are, do people get angry when they're brought up?
  23. SAMBA

    SAMBA Comment King

    May 6, 2007
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    Ive seen some of that Alex Jones guy- he is hillarious!

    In England we have an equlivent guy called David Ike- hes even more funny though, the man believes that the whole british royal family are actually lizards.
  24. Frank Kozik

    Frank Kozik Mini Boss

    Oct 22, 2005
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
  25. Krudler

    Krudler Comment King

    Mar 23, 2007
    9/11 conspiracys and all of that stuff....
    Do you mean to tell me the british royal family aren't lizards? And you believe this?

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