DEHARAVATH GR2 (Giant Robot 2) April 19th on Sawtelle. Check GR issue # 52 for details. Horvath/Dehara toy made just for this show? OK!
wow...the mind boggles. (Sort of the same motion you see in a square of jello on a plate, on a tray, on a shaky old table when a big truck goes by in the street.)
i like that evil wage dehara did... so awesome i would like to own a clay fucked up looking ugly doll
Sun-Min and I were never the same after that show at Zakka in NYC. Was that already 10 years ago? Jeez. Here's some oldies but goodies I can never stop looking at. He has Sun-Min's plush Uglymenta. Anyway we hope you have fun and hope to see you there.
damn oh that's gonna be a good show. Exact same day as me and koji and martin's I'll be thinking about you guys. Don't leave the country eh.