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Gomora Bullmark Giant Question

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 8:48 pm
by joeytwintail
Hi, I'm the guy who scored the Giant Bullmark Gomora a few weeks ago on eBay. Even with his broken horn he's still the best $27 I ever spent. Anyway, I have an eye question for the experts out there... someone who might ownone or seen one in person.

I bought it from a guy in Hawaii. He didn't know anything about the figure other than he thinks it was bought locally by the original owner.

The one visual resource I have for this figure shows to be what I thought was a solid black eye. My figure has a slit of black over gold eyes. I assumed it was repainted by a previous owner, as it looked so fresh. The gold looks old, but the black is very shiny.

However, in scanning in a picture from my book to show you guys I was surprised to see more detail, or at least I saw more detail that could be interpreted as being something other than the solid black eye that I always assumed it was.

So my image shows the following:

Upper left- My toy.

Lower right- Scan from a book. The book's color is a bit off and over-saturated.

Inset- My slight ehancement from the scan. It looks to my eye like a swatch of black painted over gold or brass.

Right- The new glow reissue that seems to follow the original's colors very closely. Note the gold eyes with black slits.


Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 3:24 pm
by brianflynn
I will check against mine, but it would seem odd that the only thing they repainted was the eyelid. The broken horn is a bummer, but it is cheaper than the 300-400 you would pay for a nice one.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:24 am
by Shirahama
I'm with Brian on this one, it seems you may have gotten a variation on the regular eye paint, too bad about the horn. Gomora is one of my favorite monsters from when I was a kid. This orginally came with a mini Tokyo Tower, I passed one up with the tower a few years back due to no money and when I went back a few weeks later it was gone. $600 clean with the tower, I wont see that again I bet!!

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:39 pm
by joeytwintail
Thanks. The more I look at it the more 'right' it seems. Yeah, it's a bummer about the horn, but I got the toy for under $30 so who am I to complain? Even with the horn he's got some great character... the damage was done long ago and obviously during play so in a sense it's some nice history.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 10:54 am
by Alice
Hey Joe, where you goin' with that Gomora in your hand? (Shit, sorry! I tried REALLY HARD not to type that!). You still there dude? For some reason this post really intrigued me. One thing no-one mentioned yet is that gold paint is notorious for oxidizing... it can change color, maybe even disappear. I've seen two others since you posted (both damaged, both in excess of $300!) and both had eyes like the one in your book. Have to admit the color-variation theory is more likely, or maybe someone just didn't like the original, kinda faded-looking, eyes... but is it possible that yours have somehow kept their original color? On another note... I am totally with you on the "damage" thing: I picked up a Giant Ultraman a few years back. He's got a couple of dings, a rub of color here & there from wrestling kaiju, and someone's name in black marker on his foot. Some collectors would thumb their noses at him, but he washed up pretty good and he looks great waving at us from the top of the bookcase! ...And when I pick him up and look at him close I just think: "Wow! Some kid actually PLAYED with this all those years ago!". I love him! (And he was f**ing cheap too!)

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:28 am
by joeytwintail
Well, go ask Alice! Sorry, I tried too. As far as the gold goes you make a good point. If it's a similar 'closed environment' oxidizing like the M-1 Plasma Gamera tusk problem then maybe the gold survived due to the fact that this Gomora was USED (aka 'out in the real world' and not thrown in a box in a closet for 20 years)- just another theory. As far as the damage goes I agree with you in spades. If nothing else he's a pleasant stand-in until a better one comes along, and at 1/3 of the price that even the reissue B-club costs!