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Re: Calling all pre-2008 Skullbrainers! Please read!

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:38 pm
by trueadrn
I got mine from Rotofugi! Which is coincidently where I do all my toy shopping, its good to be appreciated.

Re: Calling all pre-2008 Skullbrainers! Please read!

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:44 pm
by bryce_r
Still nothing. ^^ What was it?

Re: Calling all pre-2008 Skullbrainers! Please read!

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:17 pm
by Lalo
what i miss?!!
i moved!!

Re: Calling all pre-2008 Skullbrainers! Please read!

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:21 pm
by rhinomilk
no one called me :(

Re: Calling all pre-2008 Skullbrainers! Please read!

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:21 pm
by Dean
You can't fade the MANIMAL.

Re: Calling all pre-2008 Skullbrainers! Please read!

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:16 am
by 666doll

Re: Calling all pre-2008 Skullbrainers! Please read!

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:47 am
by bannedindc
Yo so since people are currently messaging me with their address. Here is the story: a year and a half ago we(Super7) were going to have a skullbrain party. Had a meeting, fleshed out ideas and thought "Hey lets invite the whole gang. Lets start by sending out invitations to old skullbrainers". My job was to collect the addresses and someone else was going to send actual invitations. I did that and after I passed them along, there were delays etc etc. Whoever's job it was just got busy, I wasn't about to explain why because I honestly didnt know and it was never talked about internally. Invitations never got sent. It turned into a regular Super7 anniversary party with the regular skullbrainers there.

However the amount of entitlement from a few people was staggering. Since I no longer represent Super7. Here is the list of a few things people demanded from me

-one person demanded a toy. Called me up and complained about how it wasnt fair. I should out him but I wont.
-one person asked for a discount on all future orders because he never received a postcard
-one asked if we were still friends.(I had never spoken to him before in my life)
-a few asked what the free toy was we were sending and if there were protos they could have instead,

All in all a few people calmly asked what was going on and I explained it via PM. A bunch complained about it on this thread which I now putting to bed. Hope that explains it all. No hard feelings if you didn't get a invitation. I didn't get one either.