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Can we make M1 or at least M1go searchable here?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 8:35 am
by Lixx
LOL. Pet peeve of mine since the day I joined. Short words like M1 or Woo are unsearchable here. Why is that and can it be changed?

Re: Can we make M1 or at least M1go searchable here?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 8:39 am
by ultrakaiju
It is not just those terms, any short strings will not be returned properly, as it is a limit to the software. Not sure if this is going to one of the many changes James has already addressed with the new forum, but good to bring it up.

Re: Can we make M1 or at least M1go searchable here?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 2:08 pm
by toothaction
I've tried to make 'Yujimade' a thing, heh, but so far I've been just about the only taker.

For what it's worth, M1Go is searchable here. No Woo for you, though.

Okay, here's another one - how do we search for the web for US Toys in any language without wanting to tear our eyes out in frustratiion?