OS X Lion?
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Author:  Lixx [ Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  OS X Lion?

Any other Mac users here upgrade to this? I was thinking of doing it but watched the demo on Apple's site and it looked nothing more than a lot of touch scrolling with the trackpad or magic mouse. Not a lot of meat in this upgrade. While Mac Mail and iPhoto looked good, didn't seem like much else I'd use. I like using a keyboard and mouse.

Author:  smo9monster [ Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OS X Lion?

As I use Adobe products all day, every day I'm staying clear for now!
If it ain't broke don't fix it...

Author:  c77 [ Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OS X Lion?

I am waiting a week or so to see what happens as like smo9monster I use mine everyday and I could not have anything which messes my day up, but other people I know have done it and all seems fine apart form Mail has changed but from what I seen it looks nice

I think the price is not to bad but depends what you really get for your money

Author:  Lixx [ Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OS X Lion?

Slightly off topic but I did the software update last night and now whenever I go to certain websites on safari I see a flash as the page loads (kind of like a pop up- but one that never comes up). What's that about? I'm one of those people who constantly resets safari, clears all metadata, cookies, and deletes local storage. I hate that being online always seems to mean someone is trying to use your data or load something malicious onto your computer.

Author:  treblekicker [ Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OS X Lion?

i downloaded & installed on wednesday and have had no problems yet. but i'm a fairly casual home user (i develop on win7 at work)...if my livelihood depending on a stable mac, i would wait until 10.7.1.

my biggest frustration is that my going-on-5-years-old macbook (core duo, not core 2 duo) is not supported. i could use it as an excuse to buy an air or pro, i suppose. definitely more excited by the promise of icloud than lion.

Author:  legoomba [ Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OS X Lion?

I upgraded without putting much thought into it and got burned slightly. I'm pretty reliant on Spaces with grid layout. Lion has done away with grids and now it's linear. Which isnt great for me because i was always 2 keyboard shortcuts away from any space, now i have to go through every space unless you use the ctrl-# shortcut, which doesnt work for full screen apps. So it's kind of busted in that regard. I'm not a fan of mission control as a replacement to spaces and expose.

That complaint aside, it brings a lot of awesome changes that were long over due in some cases.

Author:  JoeMan [ Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OS X Lion?

My office warned against upgrading.

Author:  Ultra999 [ Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OS X Lion?

^ most corporate environments are very cautious about upgrades of any kind and rightly so. the downside of that is ie6 overstaying its welcome by a decade :)

os x lion's amped up security is one big reason to upgrade. and improved automator.

Author:  c77 [ Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OS X Lion?

I downloaded it last night and so far everything seems cool, I like the new features and all programs are running just like they did before. Just wondering what the hell will be next? maybe Apple Pussy?

Author:  MicromanZone [ Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OS X Lion?

Upgraded to Lion (10.7) from Snow Leopard (10.6.8) on a 2010 Mac Mini model. One of the most bafflingly infuriating upgrades I have ever done. Not 100% angry, but as far as I am concerned this stuff is still “beta.”

First, the new version of “Mail” blows hard. I don’t know about how everyone else works, but the layout stinks and the fact the users have 100% no choice over the old layout or new is wretched. Not to mention the lack of basic color coding on the sidebar items (folders, smart folders, trash, boxes, etc…) is baffling. It all looks the same!

The UI is annoying. The scrollbars and other small elements are really retarded. They mimic the whole iOS aesthetic but are a pain on a desktop setup. Not to mention they changed “Expose” to some new crazy name and it simply works weird. Heck, “Dashboard” which shows simple little widgets over your desktop in Snow Leopard and previous is now it’s own WHOLE SCREEN!?!?!? WHY!?!?! And “Calendar”? It was literally the first app I opened and the second I saw that faux leather and faux “torn pages” stuff I knew I was in for trouble.

Also, while I know Rosetta is gone (so no PowerPC code) my Canon MP160 scanner won’t scan correctly. NO PREVIEW! It can scan as previously with the Canon “MP Navigator” software but with no preview it’s a pain in the arse to say the least. And if I attempt to use “Image Capture” to scan, it works! But the top limit in the software is 600dpi; not the 1200dpi max. WTF?!?!

This might seem like a decent update for the casual user, but there are no new features and too many annoyances for anyone doing real work-a-day work. And I don’t even do print production work anymore so I cannot imagine the headaches anyone who does that kind of work will get from this.

Oh, also things did not seem faster at all in Lion. In fact it all seemed more sluggish at best. I am using the a 2010 Mac Mini with 8GB of RAM and with Lion it felt “quirky.” What a waste of time.

I backed up my old (as of 6 hours ago) Snow Leopard (10.6.8) install, but this is literally the first time I have ever had to roll back OS X since 10.2 or so. And prior to that I think I rolled back Mac OS 9 to Mac OS 8.6 when things were equally off-kilter in the pre OS X days.

Author:  legoomba [ Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OS X Lion?

While I agree that some of the changes are baffling (expose, spaces to say the least), I think that saying there are 'no new features' is a bit of a stretch. Full disk encryption, changes to HFS+, versions, and application sandboxing are all huge changes that most users will never 'see'. Application sandboxing alone is a massive change.

There are ways to get back the old views in ical and mail that i've stumbled upon.

Hopefully you didnt need to install Server. That software has some serious issues.

Author:  MicromanZone [ Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OS X Lion?

Look, Apple released Lion (10.7) last week and already has seeded version 10.7.2 to developers. They didn’t even seed 10.7.1. Which means 10.7.1 is a bugfix release. And 10.7.2 will be feature fixes that require developer feedback. And this is all within days of it being released to the world.

Sorry, but I am not a beta tester. This is Microsoft level “rush to release.” Much like iOS 4 which choked older iPhones. And Final Cut X a few weeks back. Oh heck, what about “Ping”? You know in iTunes? That social sharing stuff that is dead as a doornail? Way to go, Apple!

I don’t begrudge Apple from releasing new stuff, but now I’ve had enough headaches from Apple’s rush to release new stuff to officially have doubts about ANY new Apple software release.

This parody graphic sums up a lot of the issues casual users have:

Author:  Lixx [ Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OS X Lion?

I'm of the opinion that if changes are mostly cosmetic and not major than there really is no need to change. I'm not a fan of bells and whistles. Bad example but look at flickr. Developers need to stop justifying their jobs and if something works just leave it the hell alone. Every day one of mail programs is updating to a "new look". Leave it alone! OK I'm not upgrading to Lion then.Only value in it might be the security. Thanks for the feedback

Author:  MicromanZone [ Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OS X Lion?


Author:  gatchabert [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OS X Lion?

hope none of you guys are in that paypal/apple debacle...

Author:  MicromanZone [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OS X Lion?

Seems like a mis-billing nontroversy; there’s no way a charge like that would stick.,2817,2389271,00.asp

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