I got notification that my password here was compromised so I hadda login. Maybe should you all look into it :dam: [MEDIA] * I kinda forgot...
This shockingly mad. I didn't have any contact with Amy in years either but remember just as well her golden candor. My condolences to all in this...
Wow - do I miss out !
I used to love le Main Deli - time took the best of it tho ! Glad that Snowdon Deli, Lester's Deli and Chalet Bar-B-Q are still aroud (unlike me...
I loved Frank's Skullbrain period. Great times. Repose en paix - Viva Kozik !
I never had the chance to meet Connell in person, unfortunately. He was one of the astonishing member these boards when I was an habitué. May he...
Thought i'd drop by to see how you're all doing and saw your calling! What do you mean by now ? ;) Doing fine so far, you all stay safe !
@toothaction They all made valid points in those reviews! :lol: Still they are very fun and entertaining comics. Reminds me of Mr Ferraille....
Off that list, I've read : Jesus Freak by Joe Casey and Benjamin Marra Tongues by Anders Nilsen Parallel Lives by Olivier Schrauwen Sabrina by...
La Prensa was the editing house reprinting Spidey ( El Sorprendente Hombre Araña) in Mexico in the 60/70. From time to time, I understand that...
@bryce_r I was really into Hickman's whole FF / Future Foundation run. It was a product of it's time. I did not follow what he did after. HoX/PoX...
@toothaction [SPOILER]
@toothaction 1 : This is funner than you'd think. (and he's Cuban BTW) [SPOILER] 2 : I remember him blonde ;)
@toothaction Maybe close second :D ? [SPOILER]
@toothaction David David David, everybody prefers looking at Yummy Furs :razz: However, around that time, Chester was not yet that Canada megastar...
Separate names with a comma.