This is how it's all going to be.
When I originally ordered it, crisis said it would probably be early next year before it shipped.
Reissues will go for dumb prices as new collectors jump into the game and want pieces to represent the OGs. Honestly I'm more annoyed at sofubi...
The panic buying is doing more damage than the strike.
Secret ooze
A couple years ago a friend of 15+ years told me to fuck off and blocked me on everything because he didn't like an AI art meme I posted. I'm not...
That's the dharmic swastika. The toy is still ugly regardless.
I'm tired of not being able to complete my collection. There's magic out there with a price tag that's always going up. A few years back I thought...
This is less about condoning someone's art or message, but condoning the emerging standard that racist or bigoted iconography has value in art....
It's a real shame there are too many people buying and encouraging this stuff for it to just go away.
Not much of a man from what I can tell.
Hey now! Being dumb has gotten me some good stuff!
Separate names with a comma.