(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻

Discussion in 'Compliments & Comments' started by blakewest, Jan 24, 2011.

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  1. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    "Fuckwad." :lol:
    Love it. Sorry about your ride, man.
  2. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    That's a big no no when trying to quit Joe. It's like saying "no more donuts as you're walking into a donut shop!", just won't happen.
  3. severen

    severen Addicted

    Fuck you to the ass gobblers that broke into my house yesterday! They got me for my tv, Xbox, games, controllers, and a bunch of wrapped Christmas presents.

    On an upside, insurance will cover what was stolen and they didn't fuck with my dog (he was in his crate unable to punch in) or my toys :)
  4. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

    Fuck you to my left foot and ankle for giving out on me last night, twisting and giving me a sprain. Now I can't ride for three or four days, my hostility levels will peak and I will be forced to do things unmentionable. Also, fuck you to the Nevada dry air for chapping my lips so bad I feel like I've been sucking the crack pipe.
  5. mildew180

    mildew180 Side Dealer

    FUCK ME- For seeing a 1985 MOTU Battle Cat toddlers spring action ride on toy last night at a local shop and not buying it right away. I went back today and it's gone. It was complete and in almost mint condition. That thing is huge. Will I ever learn my lesson? :(
  6. michael

    michael Side Dealer

    ill help you learn your lesson in ultimate regret....

    " This piece lands on one of the most wanted of all He-Man toys collectors lists. Battle-Cat measures 23" x 14" x 41". It has adjustable height and is made of sturdy plastic with wood handles! Tough to find and in 1985 retailed for a average of $69.99."
  7. mildew180

    mildew180 Side Dealer

    Thanks :evil: . I have no excuse for missing out on that. It was minty mint too. :(
  8. michael

    michael Side Dealer

    who knows, maybe one will show up again. how much were they asking? i know the feeling of ultimate regret in not buying something on the spot. it always comes back to bite you
  9. mildew180

    mildew180 Side Dealer

    $300. And I'm sure I could have talked them down. I have failed.
  10. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Non-buyers regret is one of the worse things of any collecting hobby. I feel for you. Usually this occurs for me when I am flat broke, and have no way of picking up said item, but that doesn't make it hurt any less. It's too bad you couldn't have come away from it with at least a pic, though maybe that would haunt you that much more. Though I am a MOTU fan, I confess to have never hearing of this, but now am compelled to look it up. I would love to find the Star Wars equivalent though, which was a ride-on speeder bike.

    Since I am here, a big FU to ending auctions early on evilbay, and that is directed at the backdoor messagers requesting it just as much as the sellers who do it. I can't even count the times I have been burned by this. It is really uncool, and should just stop. If you are the one asking for special treatment because you saw an item first, then that is just being a dick - if you think you have the deepest pockets, then put your money where your mouth is and put in a bid up front. The whole point of ebay is that it is an open-market selling site, not a private listing service. If you don't like to play by the rules, go somewhere else.
  11. bbb

    bbb Side Dealer

    But that's why they have a buy-it-now and best offer option. From my experience, the seller will only leave the bid open to gain the most money from the auction and even then, there's a minimum set towards what the item will sell. Usually the end goal for the seller is to make the most money in the fastest time possible. Otherwise, why are they selling part of their collection?

    I really don't think it's that bad to try to bargain with someone selling something on ebay, especially something so niche as this, where chances are the person is also a collector. One time I tried to bargain with someone on ebay and it turned into a trade :lol:

    note: what I've written here does not take into account flippers that don't care about quick turnaround
  12. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss



    Do I need to even bother with an explanation. I mean, really :roll:
  13. slipstar01

    slipstar01 Post Pimp

    I'll ask if someone wants to sell a toy offsite, from time to time, just because I figure we can both profit from the savings of not paying e-bay fees.

    F.U. to spending 2 weeks sculpting separate pieces to a toy, firing it up in the oven, and having it crumble to bits in my hands when I finally pick it up. I was using a clay that came with a resin kit, my wife bought me for Christmas, and it has a completely different baking time than I'm used to.
  14. smo9monster

    smo9monster Comment King

    who the FUCK is ' ktc***** / 14 ' you spoiled everything :(
  15. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    I knew they would go for almost double the asking, but they didn't get too crazy all things considered. I wasn't going to even bother.
  16. smo9monster

    smo9monster Comment King

    I only decided to go for one and it was the one that went for the most haha!! :roll:


    DYBBUKIM Post Pimp

  18. smo9monster

    smo9monster Comment King

    No not the Maza, although I was watching that and your Zudon!
    The Maza buyer bought the red Mad Baron I was after...

  19. B.76

    B.76 Addicted

    Was after that Red MB too...
    For how much the other MB go for?

    DYBBUKIM Post Pimp

    Green MB 14,500 円
    Blue MB 14,050 円
  21. smo9monster

    smo9monster Comment King

    Purple MB 16100
    Red MB 20050
  22. Mecha

    Mecha Side Dealer

    Whichever one of you knobs (i know its more than one too) that seems to have the endless supply of the year end too Rebel Captain's on ebay.

    FUCK YOU, punk ass.

    :evil: :evil: :evil:
  23. mildew180

    mildew180 Side Dealer

    knobs made me laugh but everything after that is no laughing matter. I agree it is a horrible thing to see so many on e-bay. :evil: :evil: :evil:
  24. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    First I wasn't bidding so no skin off my back, but to the morons paying $535 and $335 (on more than one at that price) for certain Butanohana auctions on Yahoo Japan- Fuck you! You don't look clever, you look like fools. Not saying it was anyone here, but n00bs like you absolutely ruin certain toys lines for everyone. I hope Butanohana puts out a Baltan reissue next month so just can look like an even bigger moron.
  25. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    That is some hardcore gouging. I can only hope that these were shill bids, but lots of the Japanese sofubi collectors do have deep pockets. Still though, as much as I would love these, there is no way prices like that are justified. I second the call for more Baltans!
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