AMA (Ask Me Anything) -Skullbrain edition

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by missy, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Yes Missy! I love all the movies you posted and have seen them all :)

    While I was initially intrigued with the marriage of zombie apocalypse and a serial TV show ( I also read the comic and was excited about Darabont at the helm) it quickly devolved into soap opera hell with no scares, no reasoning, just cartoonish villians- and fucking cliffhangers! The one thing that you don't want to wait for and why movies (even bad zombie movies) at least you have an end (sort of).
  2. missy

    missy Post Pimp

    Totally. I still do-I remember the first people who got me into punk as a young pre-teen. I also know a lot of people turned me on to toy stuff over the years (and still do-even just instagrammers and flickr people before them!) I think video games I came into myself, because I think most 80s kids had access to NES or arcades. My friend Harry got me to be really serious about Pinball, and now I've played on hundreds of different machines.

    People still get me into stuff today though, Skylar got me really into Tokusatsu shows. We watch those together, sometimes with subtitles, but frequently from Japanese dvd sets with no subs. haha. I know who most of the monsters are that people here buy because they think they "look cool" haha. I like that, that's all Skylar's influence (Even though I'm older than him) :)
  3. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

  4. missy

    missy Post Pimp

  5. Greasebat

    Greasebat Side Dealer

    Dippy bird- good choice.

    Do we only get one question?
  6. missy

    missy Post Pimp

    No, you get two. Man, you sure wasted that second one though! :lol:
  7. Greasebat

    Greasebat Side Dealer

  8. living dead

    living dead Prototype

    If you can only keep one item from your collection, which would it be?
  9. 3x3is9

    3x3is9 Addicted

  10. missy

    missy Post Pimp

    AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH OK, I keep going back and forth between my boxed Little Miss No Name, or my Kenner Blythe.

    Can I sew them into some kind of freakish siamese twins dress and take both?!

    If not, maybe the No Name, since she was a gift from Skylar on one of our first Christmases.


    Not mine-Mine's just gathering dust LOL (AND I REMOVED HER!)
  11. zapatoloco

    zapatoloco Comment King

    I love this thread-it at least partially answers my question '' Why the hell do I still come here ?''
  12. missy

    missy Post Pimp

    AWW SHUCKS! :oops:
  13. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Do you have a favorite serial killer? And if so, which one and why?

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