Anraku Photos!

Discussion in 'Show Your Collection' started by wing_clipper, May 29, 2009.

  1. smo9monster

    smo9monster Comment King

    No chance of a lucky bag here ...but a few recent lucky boxes!

  2. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    Thought I put up a few slightly better pics of this Gorilla...

  3. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    Also...If anyone was lucky enough and grabbed these please post some pics...

  4. turtletooth

    turtletooth Post Pimp

    That's a crazy Sasakama Pixie Ben! I wonder what the story behind that one is?

    I wonder if that last Goga is a pink Psychedelia with yellow guts, or a painted orange w/ yellow guts? Weird either way.
  5. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    Aaaahhhh Fuck...

  6. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    I have no idea what the story is behind the Sasakama Pixie...Test paint?

    I'm almost 100% sure the Goga is clear/orange painted. Monstock has one...The paint application is just not as crazy...

  7. wing_clipper

    wing_clipper Post Pimp

    nooooooooooooooooo .... mini dako why won't you be mine
  8. turtletooth

    turtletooth Post Pimp

    Wow! Somebody cashed in some old rarities at Mandarake!
  9. B.76

    B.76 Addicted

    Yeah i cry too :(
    Each time i've something to do at the release time crazy toys popped up :x
  10. maxaltoman

    maxaltoman Side Dealer

    someone in osaka with such deep AA stuff......hmmm
    maybe mr AA himself for some medical fund?? if not this someone must be really really close to him, the pair of pink painted mini and micro dako are uber gems.
  11. kurumonz

    kurumonz Side Dealer

    WHaaaaaaa? When did it happen?

    Scrolling down the pics I forgot to breathe.
  12. Onion

    Onion Toy Prince

    What's in the bag with the mini Goga? A sheep and something else?
  13. atease

    atease Super Deformed

    A bug/beetle and a panda.
  14. turtletooth

    turtletooth Post Pimp

    It's all older stuff, so possibly someone was able to pick this stuff up at Psychedelia in Osaka when they carried Anraku's stuff there. Or at shows when he used to go.
  15. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    I always forget that Psychedelia carried Anraku. This and a green are the only figures I remember seeing offered there...


    Looks like it's cast in the same pink as my Psychedelic Goga. I've always liked the paint application on this one.
  16. atease

    atease Super Deformed

    i have a few photos saved from years ago. One is a shelf of about 40-50 guerillas and gulutamins piled on each other.
  17. turtletooth

    turtletooth Post Pimp

    Ben, the pink Goga you have is the Psychedelia Goga. It was an exclusive for the shop.
  18. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    Ed...If you get a chance please post those.
  19. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    Thanks Alex.
  20. kurumonz

    kurumonz Side Dealer

    Yes, please. I'll get a defibrillator ready.
  21. wing_clipper

    wing_clipper Post Pimp

    here is a pic i saved of the old psychedelia setup ....


    and yes, those price tags say 4500 yen. one can dream!
  22. cheapo

    cheapo Toy Prince

    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: *headsdown*........
  23. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    ...and this was when the dollar to yen ratio was really good. Awesome picture.

  24. maxaltoman

    maxaltoman Side Dealer

    haha, goooood old days.
    i wonder 4-5 years down the road, which maker will get such comment on these boards here :)
    true although rather few people in japan especially osaka were interested in AA back then. those who did buy were busy reselling them or have since traded them. partly why AA decided to give up on selling in japan and went overseas-only.
  25. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    Now that they have sold I thought I'd post so more of these recent Anraku Gems...

    First up is this incredible orange Goga(would really like some better pics of this one).

    Next is another pink Goga.

    Mine is basically the same as the one pictured above.

    Last is another mini Goga set.

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