Five Points Festival - 2020

Discussion in 'A knife, a fork, a bottle and a cork' started by Geobukgan, Mar 2, 2017.

  1. useless toys

    useless toys Post Pimp

    That won't take long.
    HardDragon, coma21 and Patrickg2k like this.
  2. Grizlli

    Grizlli S7 Royalty

    Hey gang! Just wanted to put you all at ease. The "online lotto" was an early concept to find a way to avoid people ending up with multiple tickets etc.

    Regardless it never materialized. All lotteries are going to be held by the artists ourselves, At our discretion.

    As always, black drove is for the kids.
  3. chimmychazz

    chimmychazz Comment King

    I'm excited to see that comet debris and sunguts will be out here on the east coast, for their first time (unless I'm wrong, but I don't remember them ever coming out for NYCC)

    here's everything from the vendor list that's of note:
    Comet Debris
    Death Cat Toys
    Gravy Toys // Bwana Spoons //Brodarrfest
    Grizlli Atom // Black Drove // EPSW
    James Groman
    Jeff Lamm
    Lulubell Toy Bodega
    Mishka//L’Amour Supreme
    Mutant Vinyl Hardcore // Deaths Vault
    Popculturizm/Rob Bruce
    Rampage Toys
    Skull Toys / Punk Drunkers
  4. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    I just took a look at the list too! Looks like lots of fun in store for you guys! Question though, with them being on that list, will they actually be in attendance or just selling their wares there through others. I was surprised to see MVH having a booth if that is the case. Haven't heard anything but hoping that he does!
    stonecutterjeff and Patrickg2k like this.
  5. Patrickg2k

    Patrickg2k Addicted

    From what I understand exhibitors will have their own table/booth and will be in attendance. What's so surprising about a MVH booth? Manhattan is wayyy closer than Pasadena and plus he's worked with Clutter before. I just really hope there's some toys leftover for people (like me) that can only make it on Sunday :shock:
  6. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    Surprising because no one is promoting it! I am still debating if I want to attend or not and that could help in a decision knowing if people will actually be there.
    stonecutterjeff likes this.
  7. spatula007

    spatula007 Comment King

    I feel it's this way a lot. It's almost like you have to buy tickets on blind faith.
    With NYCC, you're out of luck almost immediately when they go on sale, which is still 5 months before the show!

    With 5Points, there's still time to decide. Although, I did buy tickets right after it was mentioned to show support. Even if it tanked, it was a day out.
    Patrickg2k likes this.
  8. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    If I lived closer, the decision would be so much easier. And with all the other conventions and shows that are happening in the year, I would have to choose wisely what I want to attend since I have to plan the trips still. I looked up flights and :shock: makes me wonder why I am still looking. Here's to hoping.
  9. Patrickg2k

    Patrickg2k Addicted

    I've seen a few posts on IG by some of these artists mentioning that they will be in attendance, maybe check your fave artists IG to see if you missed a post about it? After chatting with Miranda and Josh at Clutter it seems like they are trying to encourage as many artists as possible to be there in-person.
  10. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    My IG has been messed up for a few days now, but having that list on the website helps! Thanks guys!
    chimmychazz and Patrickg2k like this.
  11. Grizlli

    Grizlli S7 Royalty

    The vendors list are artists that will be in attendance. And some booths, like the now merged MVH x Black Drove booth ;). Will have numerous other artists works available as well. Trust me, as a collector this will be a must.
  12. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    I suppose if I can drive down to Death's Vault, then Five Points isn't that much further yeah? hah
    boon velvet likes this.
  13. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    I think I might have to get one of those ipad robot surrogates for this.
    Vinyl Skin likes this.
  14. spatula007

    spatula007 Comment King

    Argh! Two weeks away!

    Also, it's not vinyl-related, but Mecha-Zone will be there. I've been admiring his 3D-printed robot figures for some time now, but have been hesitant to pull the trigger because of previous lousy 3D-printed toy experiences (and using this as an excuse to save more money and/or blow it elsewhere).
    Patrickg2k likes this.
  15. shincartoon

    shincartoon Toy Prince

    from MVH instagram

    from splurrt instagram

    from dski_one instagram

    from phuntsy instagram

    from skulltoys instagram

    from goccodo instagram

    from jmrampage instagram

    from myplasticheart instagram

    from guumon instagram

    from jgroman60 instagram

    from copasquattoys instagram

    so much nice pieces are going to be at five point festival. I would love to go...:cry:
    Last edited: May 5, 2017
  16. AgentRavage

    AgentRavage Addicted

    Who's gonna be there with me?
  17. Patrickg2k

    Patrickg2k Addicted

    I'll be there Sunday!
    shincartoon and AgentRavage like this.
  18. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    God every time I see those CopaSquat creamsicle and strawberry pieces I just want to die. They're so nice
  19. patrickvaz

    patrickvaz Addicted

    I'm about 90% committed to attending. Trying to figure out if I can just go for one day or if I REALLY need to stay in NY for two days. I dislike leaving the comfort and safety of Baltimore City for more than 24 hours.
    JIVE, Grindingmachete, smurph and 2 others like this.
  20. Mecha

    Mecha Side Dealer

    the marbling on the MVH offering reminds me of a slice of NY pizza. not sure why, it just does. cheese, tomato sauce, and sometimes the bottom has that charred spot or two.

    Grindingmachete and shincartoon like this.
  21. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    and some thinly sliced onion mixed in with the cheese! Me gusta
    shincartoon likes this.
  22. smurph

    smurph Comment King

    *Fixed ;)
    patrickvaz likes this.
  23. Cerealwarz

    Cerealwarz Toy Prince

    I may go. Not sure which ticket to buy.
  24. AgentRavage

    AgentRavage Addicted

    Rich would have none of that. #frankpepespizza4lyfe
  25. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    can someone please smuggle me in their luggage? I'm done with this bullshit week.
    AgentRavage likes this.

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