Grats to the people that made the list

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by gatchabert, Nov 23, 2011.

  1. silver_lining_man

    silver_lining_man Mini Boss

    agreed. "hype" is a tool heavily bitched about, yet obvious, and used. while, years down the road, it is just heavily bitched about...
  2. moodydoom

    moodydoom Addicted

    right, it is an opinion, all i said is its a useful one. But just because he throws some klunkers in there we vilify the whole idea?

    oh...and here's some other Oscar winners for you:

    the apartment
    midnight cowboy
    the godfather
    One flew over the Cuckoos Nest
    annie hall
    the deer hunter

    ...oh how the 'majority' always get it wrong
  3. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    I think we all get that this list is subjective. Just like how every magazine list is. Brian wrote the "New hot toy list" for Juxtapoze and Andy wrote his articles for Playtimes and Clutter etc... Both where biased on their opinions.

    No list will never be pleasing to everyone. To complain about this fact is dumb, sort of a "no fucking duh" moment. Take every list with a grain of salt.

    This particular list is Ginos list. Complex seems to have asked him for a reason, and this is what Gino came up with. Some will agree, and some will think its shit.

    I'm just happy to see that Eastern and Western both major and independent brands are now being recognized on both the same list and on a larger brand of magazine not just viewed by the niche market.

    I'm also happy to see my friends toys get one step closer to being seen by larger audiences. These guys deserve it and I'm happy to see them make any list. Our scene would be better if we could just see that and get behind each other more often, rather than complain about the small stuff.

    I never know why some people go out of their way just to find flaw and then go about it. We get it, your favorite genius artist classic toy wasn't there and now they must feel the wrath of your geekdom.

    At the end of the day its just one mans list that will go unnoticed by the masses before the 24th hour strikes.
  4. bbb

    bbb Side Dealer

    :lol: The minute I read this article I knew there'd be bitching on sb. I was just happy to see people I like on there! And really surprised. Most magazines wouldn't be able to pull off a list like that. Complex can because they put out a new 50 BEST list like every week.
  5. silver_lining_man

    silver_lining_man Mini Boss

    that is totally an oxymoron. the majority didn't get it wrong, being that there is no wrong in movies, toys, music, etc. this type of protocol mindset i don't like. there is no wrong, there are only tastes. and while some of our tastes here on skullbrain may be similar, there are many tastes that are complete opposites.

    rich got it "right.":
    I'm just happy to see that Eastern and Western both major and independent brands are now being recognized on both the same list and on a larger brand of magazine not just viewed by the niche market.
  6. moodydoom

    moodydoom Addicted

    I would never have known about, or got into, kaiju toys if it wasn't for broader magazines and blogs covering them.

    Being overly protective about shit like this breeds conformity, mediocrity and hurts the growth of the community.
  7. datadub

    datadub S7 Royalty

    Okay now that we know Gino's top 50 - & while I dont want to sit thru everyone else's top 50 - everyone post YOUR top 5.
    This is not a vote - not a popularity contest - just a chance for YOU to get "equal time" on the internets.

    datadub Top 5
    1. Mutant Chaos
    2. Mini Dokurocks
    3. Cy'os
    4. Pheyaos mini
    5. Boss Carrion
  8. maxaltoman

    maxaltoman Side Dealer

    maxaltoman like

    mutant evil
    space trooper
    og rangeas
  9. living dead

    living dead Prototype

    Pushead (Cococroc, Skull Pirate, etc...)
    Secret Base (Skull BxBxB (Bagman), Ghost Fighter, etc...)
    Crouching Zag
    Boss Carrion
  10. trueadrn

    trueadrn Line of Credit

    Secret Base
    Crouching Zag
  11. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    Which toy? ;)

    Bullmark giant Baragon
    Toygraph swept ears Baragon
    RxH Mutant Head
    Gargamel Gargamess
    US Toys giant Kanegon
  12. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    i get what your saying and first thing i thought was i was stoked to see you guys getting exposure i just was bummed pus had no love past that the list is what it is and showcased some great guys making great toys...
  13. trueadrn

    trueadrn Line of Credit

    All of them!!!! They are tie for first place
  14. lurker

    lurker S7 Royalty

    I didn't make the list, so it must means that everything I have done thus far has been complete rubbish. I am done with toy making.
  15. gforce

    gforce Toy Prince

    A serious collector who seems to have forgotten James Jarvis existed - a guy who was at the start of the western 'scene' and created at least two classic pieces - the Silas Martin with BxH and King Ken. Glaring ommission, regardless of personal taste of the list maker to not include someone so influential who also made some killer toys.
  16. trueadrn

    trueadrn Line of Credit

    Nooooo your in my top 10 for sure!!!
  17. BoxingXius

    BoxingXius Toy Prince

    He didn't forget James Jarvis. His "In-Crowd"-series is at #15.
  18. plastichunter

    plastichunter Mini Boss

    I have shared the "Grats to people that made the list" thread with Gino. Here is his e-mail to me which he said I could post on SB.

    "Thanks Connell for sending this to me and please let everyone know on the forum that the list was not put in any particular order, that's why the Teddy Trooper and Amanda's toy were first and 2nd, it's because I put together my list in alphabetical order and their toys came up first on the list since it started with the A's like in Adfunture and Amanda. Other than that, I was trying not to be personal with my list, or else I would have listed a lot of other figures that are favorites of mine and not include a lot of these figures, but I was basing my choices based on the figures popularity and how they were received in the market place. I think some people on SB fail to realize that I was trying to be non judgmental and not include a lot of my own personal favorites in there an rather go with the success that these figures had in our industry. So instead of hating on me and my article, they should be thankful that someone even bothered to list these toys and give some of their designers some recognition for their contribution to our scene by coming out with such great figures, but they're not necessarily my own personal favorite ones, and I guess I had suspect such strong comments and suggestions would come out of it; since no two people think alike and everyone is going to have their own opinion on what should be on a top 50 list. In either event, you can post my comments on the forum, for everyone to calm down and just enjoy their thanksgiving and give thanks for having so many great artists and toys out there for us to argue over them, but I realize the list is not perfect and I agree that there are a few mistakes on there but it's overall purpose is to raise awareness and interest for our scene; that's all!."
  19. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    Sure, platform toys were revolutionary when they first came out. Sure, I collected some by artists whose work I enjoyed (Dalek, Shepard Fairey, Ron English, etc.) when I first got into vinyl toys. As did many of us, and I'm sure some still do. Does that make them a good toy? Not at all. Do they deserve recognition? I guess so, as a sort of popular mass produced 'designer toy' commodity. But should that be celebrated?

    Everyone's got differing opinions on everything. Nothing is ever really 'good' or 'bad,' it's just a matter of preference.

    My top 5:
    That Gorilla Thing
    That Mecha Gorilla Thing
    Another Nag
  20. audiodifficulties

    audiodifficulties S7 Royalty

    I think we need a show of hands of who didn't even bother to click the link to yet another useless list.
  21. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

  22. audiodifficulties

    audiodifficulties S7 Royalty

    I said useless.
  23. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    So we've established eating Turkey turns you into hippies or gives you a fuckin' God complex . . . I'll stick to bacon!
  24. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    Our family has roast beef instead of turkey.
    ...and yeah, I guess it's a useless gesture to acknowledge that people like PK, Rich, and others have done a great job to give us toys that we enjoy...and it's probably also a bad thing that some of these guys were in Clutter magazine cause you know, we don't want our hobby to grow.
  25. m3kcomp

    m3kcomp Side Dealer

    I love you made it so I didn't have to post in response to this...except to put YOU on my most bestest of all time list!

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