Horror Movies

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by ShadowSpectre, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Just saw "Creep". I wouldn't exactly call it a horror movie in the typical sense, more of a thriller, but damn, did it start to make me uncomfortable not even... I'd say 10 minutes into the movie?
    It's interesting though, no gore, no supernatural aspects, found-footage, and it still managed to unsettle the crap out of me. It bases everything off of uncomfortable human interactions, awkwardness, and creepiness.
    Good if you need a change of pace or something a bit short (only 77 minutes long). Bad if you need a blood and guts fix.


    Okay, if anyone saw this movie, let's discuss something for a moment...
    Do you think that the box with the wolf and the knife was an invitation for Aaron to become a "partner in crime?" Of course, Aaron was always oblivious of Joseph's true nature as a murderer, but the fact that he told Aaron in that video to use the knife and embrace murder was a bit telling. Perhaps if he didn't throw the locket out, things would have ended differently. There have been many instances of serial killers partnering up, with usually one being the dominant killer. Something to think about.
  2. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    The Abandoned movie that I mentioned before is on Netflix now. I enjoyed it but the ending annoyed me a lot.

  3. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    I hear what you're saying in the spoiler box, but I read Duplass' character as more of a one-and-done kinda guy --- much more a mouser that likes to play with his prey than a pack animal (even though he was a wolf, heh).

    I enjoyed Creep quite a bit. Not totally successful, but I thought it had an interesting take on a number of genre conventions. A lot of folk didn't care for it, and I can understand that, but like you, I considered it time well spent in front of the box.

    Have you had a look at Baghead, Maddie? I was going to babble at you about it for a bit, but then I remembered that I'd already given it a shout here last year:
    I like arterial spray as much as the next guy, but there are so many other ways to spook and delight us young'uns at a craftsman's disposal. We need a balanced diet, no?
  4. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    I haven't, but now I want to! Also interested in seeing the other two you mentioned. I love movies that start off one way and then descend into horror.
    Hope they have them up on Netflix... (though in worst case scenario, I can just watch on my laptop. Stupid TV won't accept both picture and sound through HDMI, just picture... :evil: )

    Thanks for the recommendation!
  5. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    I have been trying to find the movie for decades.

    I saw it when it was on originally and I loved it. It's like a combination of detective pulp and Lovecraft lore with a cheesy story and hilarious effects. It never came out on DVD so you're only option was seeing it on tv when it first aired or VHS or laser disc but I just found out it's part of the HBOGO library! I am shocked I never found it before. After a couple decades I am not sure if I am about to ruin my fond memories of it or fall in love with it all over again.

    Someone also uploaded the entire film on youtube. The quality isn't great but neither is the quality on HBO because it's such an old film so it's about the same either way.
  6. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Wow, Cast a Deadly Spell looks HORRIBLE, ha! Many thanks for the tip, Waterbear. Love that Fred Ward, and as Lovecraft? Crazy.


    Maddie - you've probably already looked this biz up, but...

    We Need to Talk About Kevin is available on Netflix and Hulu
    Baghead can be rented all over the place for $2.99.
    Kill List is streaming on Shudder*, and can be rented on DVD through Netflix.

    Have you tried nuking your audio driver completely on your laptop and then grabbing the latest version? I have an HP that wound up with the same audio problem as you're having, fought with it for a few weeks, only getting satisfaction after I scrubbed every trace of the dag driver first.

    *Hey! Free 1-week trial!
  7. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    I think I'm gonna watch We Need to Talk About Kevin tomorrow. Keep putting it off for some reason.

    Watched The Visit today as it has arrived on Cinemax. :/
  8. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    ... We Need To Talk About Kevin is nightmarish. Half way through right now.
    This is seriously my worst nightmare and why I refuse to have kids. I know it's not "politically correct" but if I had a kid who was that defective, I think I'd just pack up and run away. I couldn't possibly deal with it. Maybe I'll adopt a kid someday, but there's a deep-seeded fear in me that something evil or wrong might possibly be birthed from me.
    Vinyl Skin likes this.
  9. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    I saw We Need to Talk About Kevin. It was ok, I figured it out right away why everyone was treating the mom badly. Fuck that if I had a kid that bad, it's off the remote lake we go for that fishing trip you little shit. Wait what's that? Oh I need to tie that solid lead weight to your ankle to secure you so you don't fall in, hey look down there some fish... *push*

    There are absolutely no good movies on Netflix streaming right now that I haven't seen already, especially horror. Last thumbs up for me was the Bridge on the River Kwai which I've seen dozens of times but can always watch over. I hope Witch makes it to Netflix.
  10. analog101

    analog101 Addicted

    Seen God Bless America? It's not horror, but it seems like it would be your style.
  11. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    I'm hoping that the "whole Disney catalogue" that's coming to Netflix includes their creepy movies from the '70s. That would keep me happy for awhile.

    Plus all those Kurt Russell movies.

    And the Apple Dumpling Gang. :)
  12. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    That was a good movie indeed!......now you make me want apple pie damnit! >.>
  13. debparis

    debparis Addicted

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Netflix will not be streaming the entire Disney movie collection to customers. Netflix will become the exclusive U.S. pay TV home outlet for the latest films from Disney (as well as Marvel, LucasFilm and Pixar). In other words, new releases from the studios would be finding their way to Netflix shortly after ending their initial theatrical runs. And while Netflix did not get exclusive access to the entire Disney archive, they were able to work a deal to offer some older Disney animated classics such as Dumbo and Pocahontas.
  14. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    I really didn't think Pocahontas was that damned old?! XD

    At least not compared to Dumbo.

    Man this thread totally got derailed into PG Disney territory...... XD
  15. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Disney territory:


  16. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    Well i guess since were going there don't forget about this than.



  17. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    We've read different things then. The articles I read said the deal included old titles, but of course they could be wrong. Anyway, that's the info I was basing my hopes and dreams on. Things for bashing them in. :(
  18. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Just saw "The Host". Not really a horror movie like the "Top Horror on Netflix" list I was going off of said. It was more of a monster movie with a surprising amount of dark humor. This is the first Korean movie I've ever seen and I'm not familiar with Korean culture, so I found it really interesting. Very VERY long movie (2 hours, yeesh!) but I had fun. Ending was maybe a bit too dramatic, though.
    I think it's worth a watch for a change of pace or if you're in need of some black humor. I think that's what surprised me the most... Some parts were just hilarious, but then you felt almost guilty for laughing because it's terrible at the same time. I guess that's what made this movie unique for me.

    EDIT: I'm talking about the 2006 movie, not the shitty Stephanie Meyer sci-fi one from 2013. (Which hilariously is also 2 hours... Plus 5 minutes, which sounds like complete torture)
  19. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    So, we need to talk about We Need To Talk About Kevin... Never have I liked John C. Reilly less! Actually, I love JCR, but I couldn't stand his character in this one, the coddling father. But yeah, this was an interesting take on the Bad Seed trope, and I agree about wanting to slap that kid six ways to Sunday. So therein lies the horror of this, what do you do with the child you brought into this world that's an obvious sociopath?
    One thing I didn't care for was the disjointed story-telling, the jumping between different timelines. I get why they did it, but I don't care for it as a narrative device.
  20. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    This is the one in an apartment building, correct? Not the one in an old Russian house.
  21. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    Yeah it's in an old abandoned apartment building in the city.
  22. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Maddie - I went absolutely nuts for The Host when it came out - I caught it at a sneak preview and loved it, ended up convincing two different groups of friends to come check it out when it hit general release, and brought two more sets of folks to have a look once it hit the dollar show. Most I've checked out a movie on the big screen since childhood summers.

    Bong Joon-ho is great. Memories of Murder and Mother are must-sees, and anyone who tells you that Snowpiercer sucks is completely and absolutely wrong! has an opinion that I do not share.

    Ended up going to see Let the Right One In three times, which I think puts it in a tie for the number of times I paid to see Adventures in Babysitting back in '87, so there's really no accounting for taste.

    Mark - The 'scattered' timeline in Kevin really worked for me. It's not like I didn't piece together what was going on in the story fairly early, but the techniques Ramsay used to tell the simple story kept me stimulated, aggravated and engaged throughout.

    Have you seen her other films? I've been a big fan of hers ever since I lucked into a screening of Ratcatcher, another example of horrifying not-horror, back in '99.
  23. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    Snowpiercer did suck though, so there's that. ;)

    Have not seen any other Lynne Ramsay movies, but I'll keep me glazzies peeled.
  24. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    You, sir, are completely and absolutely entitled to your opinion. :razz:

  25. debparis

    debparis Addicted

    David did you see "Let Me In"?
    I prefer LTROI, but thought Let Me In was decent for a US remake.

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