I F#$%ing Hate the SNOW!

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by hellopike, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. hellopike

    hellopike S7 Royalty

    Fing snow. Its blizzarding out there. I had to take a night off work, then because my fiance's work closed early and I had to drive one of her co-workers home. When I dropped the woman off I had to open the back car door because of the child locks and it seems as though I dropped my iPhone in the snow. Now its gone, and I just spent the last 2 hours driving in ridiculous conditions and digging in snow until my fingers hurt. Fucking snow, what the fuck? I thought global warming had put an end to this shit.

  2. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    PLEASE SEND IT MY WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
  3. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Yeah what the hell !

    Its snowed out just about every other day with no end in sight.
  4. shuzluva

    shuzluva Toy Prince

    I'm over it. They've called a 2 hour delay for my kid's schools tomorrow and I can't believe they're going to have it cleared in time for them to go. I don't want to drive in it but they'd be missing yet ANOTHER school day. Grrrrr.
  5. living dead

    living dead Prototype

    I heard that because of global warming all the ice that is melting elsewhere is going to be forming in the East Coast now :!:
  6. Winu

    Winu S7 Royalty

    <typical west coaster>

    But its so beautiful! You guys are so lucky you have snow!

    </typical west coaster>
  7. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    fuck that snow.

    70's today in norcal... 8)
  8. scarwars

    scarwars Addicted

    you've been to my picturesque (so nice I carry a sidearm) neighborhood.... can you believe we had plow trucks coming down my street tonight clearing it for us? They haven't even done the arterial streets yet!
    I don't know which city councilman our block captain treated to a hooker, but remind me to add money to the fund.
  9. hellopike

    hellopike S7 Royalty

    I can't imagine the craziness in it in the city, but I'm glad to hear you got some plow-love. My fiance's brother is a cop on duty tonight- she's been getting texts from him about horror stories on 676... I'm just royally pissed because I dropped my phone, and it landed silently in the snow somewhere and by the time I realized it, it had snowed like 2 additional inches. mother fucker. it was a 32gig iphone4 too- I got it for my birthday. :evil:

    And, AND, I have to shovel the car out- again! I had to do it this morning, and now tomorrow morning- I couldn't get one day in between?!
  10. Greasebat

    Greasebat Side Dealer

    sucks about your phone... I'm not sick of snow just yet. Really the bitter cold, wet air is what gets me.

    Although a frosty night when everything is crystalized and the snow moves like sand under your feet, total silence... that can be fun.

    But then I think back to being in the Army and having to sleep outside in that sh*t..... and I don't like it again.
  11. uh oh

    uh oh Addicted

    I don't miss the snow. I do miss snow days though.
    Back home it's snowed nearly everyday for two months.
  12. greg

    greg Line of Credit

    I'm sick of shoveling, first at work then when I get home. My back is killing me!
  13. lurker

    lurker S7 Royalty

    not a fan of snow and cold either.

    yesterday was a mess of slushy rain/snow for us, i'm sure the blizzard is still coming.
  14. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    I live in the supposed "Snow Capital of the US" Buffalo NY and we really haven't even had much. Seems the pattern for last few years. Currently we've had steady snow for the last few weeks but a bunch of small storms totaling less than 8-10 inches all together. Apparently despite the reputation the lake effect snow is always south and east of the city. It has been cold though registering 7 below earlier in the week. I hate cold weather and can't wait for Spring.
  15. kurumonz

    kurumonz Side Dealer

    Ironical. Here we had to use soap suds as fake snow during the Christmas season :roll:
    In Singapore there's only two seasons. Rain or no rain. Today was a cooling 30 Celsius or 86 F. Not being sarcastic. We usually average 33 C and come July its balmy 35 C.

    Hope you guys are safe.
  16. Darky

    Darky Line of Credit

    ahhh I feel for you guys, yesterday was a glorious 38 degrees celcius for Australia Day ;D
  17. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    Give us our snow back, damn it !
    Or all the taxe money supposed to go on snow clearance will end up it the pockets of our crooked politician :evil:
  18. Dikasaur

    Dikasaur Toy Prince

    ^^ :lol: pls Take it.. Here in NYC it hasn't stop snowing every other 2 or 3 days. last blizzard i couldn't make it home till the next day. Our great politician forgot to clean the streets.
  19. devilboy

    devilboy Mini Boss

  20. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    Phil, probably too late, but if you can get back to the general area where you dropped the iPhone, you could try calling it with another cell. Might be able to locate it by the ring. Might be worth a shot.

    And F everyone with off street parking. Try living with snow emergencies where they limit parking to only one side of the street. Half of the available parking spots disappear.

    If you find a parking spot, be prepared to get plowed in by the trucks.

    If you get shoveled out, the side streets are a major headache as they're reduced to single lanes.

    And then you come home to find that someone has "stolen" your spot on the streets.

  21. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    O man this THIS is the worst. You spend all that time shoveling only to know that someone else is gonna take that spot the second you leave.

    I have seen people come close to fist fights over this.
  22. hellopike

    hellopike S7 Royalty

    I spent about 45mins-to an hour digging around in the only spot I got out of the car, in the middle of the snowstorm. Unfortunately it was on vibrate... sucky thing is, its still ringing where ever it is.

  23. guf

    guf Toy Prince

    I agree with Kirkland, F#$* that snow!

    9:32 am in San Diego and it is already 73 and sunny. 8)
  24. Leecifer

    Leecifer Side Dealer

    Do NOT miss digging the car out after the snowplow passed!!!

    NorCal love. I'll take the fog and a little rain.
  25. scarwars

    scarwars Addicted

    In South Philly, people put up traffic cones/folding chairs/etc to keep their dug out spots open.
    That recently ended in a fatal shooting when the cone-leaver found someone parked in his spot.
    Philly made it a finable offense (the spot blocking, not shooting; thats still legal I think. heh) but no one really enforces it.

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