ninja arashi- go big or go home

Discussion in 'Vintage Vinyl' started by vintagevinyl, Mar 25, 2010.

  1. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Thanks for posting those pics. Yep, now I see, the one I had seen was definitely pulled off the sharpener. It is just such a wacky fun pose, I love it. If I had had him as a kid, I would definitely have done the same, and he would have been coming with me everywhere.

    The Poison Eel is of course, beautiful. And I love the shot of him like this 'in the wild.'
  2. andy

    andy Mini Boss

    The pencil sharpener figure is reaching back because the figure came with a sword (held in his right hand).
  3. andy

    andy Mini Boss

    Pencil sharpener with base + sword. Unfortunately this one has a repaired sword, but just having one is something.




    3D-MOONMAN Toy Prince

    Awesome ! :shock:
  5. XVivaHateX

    XVivaHateX Addicted

    Nice, thanks for posting that Andy, ive never seen one with the sword.
  6. andy

    andy Mini Boss

  7. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    Holy crap!

    What's that made out of, Andy? I'm assuming mostly vinyl, but is there any lithographed tin (besides the key)?
  8. andy

    andy Mini Boss

    It's a combination of quite a few materials: sofubi, some harder plastic, tin, string, etc. Besides the key, some of the internal mechanical components might also be tin, from the looks of the underside.
  9. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Awesome figure Andy. I have seen just a few other version of Arashi mounted on a horse, but never a wind-up. It looks to me like the horse is hard plastic, not vinyl. Does he work by chance? Even if not, this is still damn amazing.
  10. andy

    andy Mini Boss

    Yes, it works and is complete. I have an in-action video of another one I shot quite a while back at a store. I'll try to dig it up when I have a chance.
  11. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    I tried to save the image of the mini version of Onibi Mamushi in the auctions thread since we were discussing the rarer villains, but it seems to have disappeared, so thought I would host another larger one here in case anyone wanted to check him out, or just as a reference.
  12. michael

    michael Side Dealer

    nice picture, its great to see them larger

    here are all of the minis (sans majin sai)


    swiped from the amazing toy blog
  13. andy

    andy Mini Boss

  14. andy

    andy Mini Boss

    5" Arashi two-piece sofubi fighting pose minis by Bandai

  15. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Beautiful set Andy! I would love to see a full-on shot of your whole Ninja Arashi collection one day.
  16. andy

    andy Mini Boss

    There are a couple more figures in the set - Majin Sai and another villain - plus maybe more. Kind of a mysterious line compared to the other Arashi minis and standard size figures.

    Oh yeah, I believe Bandai also made some Riders and maybe also Utraman Ace figures in this vein.

    My Arashi is like most of my other stuff. A bit here, a bit there because of space issues.
  17. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    I think this Majin Sai & Nekro Maddalla Cat are from the same series:


    Good stuff Andy. Never saw those before.
  18. andy

    andy Mini Boss

    Excellent shots. Yep, those were the others I was thinking of. Would love to hear if anyone knows of others in the series.
  19. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Ha they are not mine! I wish. Saved internet pics. I really want that Maddalla Cat. Axolotl won the Majin Sai auction (it sat on YJA forever).
  20. XVivaHateX

    XVivaHateX Addicted

    Thanks for sharing those Andy, really cool. I didnt even know those three existed. I think this poison eel might be from the same series. Hes more of a rubbery material than vinyl but the pose and size seems similar. The only one ive seen for sale is that Majin Sai which I passed on for some reason.

  21. XVivaHateX

    XVivaHateX Addicted

    Pretty excited I finally completed my set of standard size villains.

    Alebrije likes this.
  22. Geekabilly

    Geekabilly Addicted

    So nice! I'm still on the hunt for 2 more.
  23. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Ha Jordan I'm the hunt for 6 more! :oops: Actually I'm not into Poison Eel or the guy on the other end with the sack on his head so it would be just 4 for me.

    Good job completing Jonathan.
  24. GoldenArmKid

    GoldenArmKid Line of Credit

    That is a magical set of toys right there! Beautiful!
  25. Alebrije

    Alebrije Line of Credit

    Congrats, great collection! :D
    Which one was the more difficult to find?

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