^o,o^ • Owl

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by toothaction, May 12, 2016.

  1. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    A new maker quietly crept his way onto the scene this past Saturday:


    Meet Otus, the debut toy from Owl.

    Full disclosure, I knew this beauty was on the way beforehand, but that doesn't taint my excitement at all, or reflect why I'm rambling about it here. It's not all that often that I'm particularly taken with a non-licensed character, toku nut that I am, yet somehow Otus hits me in all the right places. The sculpt is a glorious hallucination, a well-told SF horror story and a love song to texture all at once. Plus, y'know, owls. Owls rule, obviously.

    The pics are lifted from the @owltoy IG feed. No doubt I'll be littering the threads with some pics of my own soon, but I figure we should start this one out with snaps by Mr. Owl himself.


    EDIT: I hate editing my posts, but I forgot a single e up there and it has been bugging me all day! Fixed now. Phew.
    D-.No, coma21 and patrickvaz like this.
  2. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty

    Re: ^o,o^

    Luckily my neighbor just put up this owl statue to keep the howling cats away at night :lol:
    zapatoloco and patrickvaz like this.
  3. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    Re: ^o,o^

    ^ Really great shot - I'm not in love with the lower body - so this is perfect !
  4. UnnecessaryUmlaut

    UnnecessaryUmlaut Fresh Meat

    Re: ^o,o^

    Whoa...love this. Sold out already tho. Thanks for for the tip on this artist.
  5. SpeedofLife

    SpeedofLife Fresh Meat

    Re: ^o,o^

    Yea, I noticed that too. Hopefully more come in in stock soon!
  6. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Re: ^o,o^

    Really excited to finally see the finished guy in all his glory. I have been eagerly following the development and waiting for this reveal for what feels like ages. The final product just looks phenomenal. I look forward to hearing the full story told here on guy's development, warts and all, as I am sure it was a challenging process. Congratulations to Otus on his SB welcome!

    Excellent shot Kevin, I am excited to see what other versions of this delightful 'Cronenberged' Space Owl make their future appearance in the collections of other SBers. :)
  7. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    Re: ^o,o^

    P E E K A B O O !

    "He could be terrified or might be enjoying it." -- I'm going with the latter, bigtime. Trip on, space cadet.
    GERMS likes this.
  8. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Re: ^o,o^

    Seeing some up-close detailed shots like that, I am even more impressed by the level of detail in the sculpting, and the great paintwork. Let's be honest, we have seen some lacklustre presentations of toys on this board, but this guy is just far beyond that. I think there was definitely a strong level of creativity behind Otus, and a clear vision which was executed wonderfully. The colours balance beautifully, and the small details in the sculpting work and pulp sci-fi homeage is just excellent. I think the best compliment I can give at this point is that I can't tell which part of him I like more, Owl or Spacey. Why choose, just vote Otus!
  9. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Re: ^o,o^


    He honestly looks pretty happy about his predicament.
    Otus Owl owltoy
    Lalo, D-.No, DrMadness and 2 others like this.
  10. rattanicus

    rattanicus Super Deformed

    Re: ^o,o^

    Agh! Now I'm even more excited. There's definitely a story in that sculpt! It makes me think of what Jamila's tragic transformation from astronaut to alien could've been like... :o
  11. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Re: ^o,o^

    The more I look at pics of this guy, the more excited I am. The silver paint is really well done, I haven't seen such a spacey material look captured with that kind of lustre and believable weight behind it. And the black sprays lend such a nice contrasting touch. I love the subtle blends and over-coverage (i.e. not all masked). Also, is anyone else seeing a nice 'Woo' connection too? Creamy and delicious.
  12. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Re: ^o,o^

    I honestly would be perfectly fine with an owl-shaped fungal-like mass growing from my body.

    But seriously, this is so bizarre yet fun that I can't help but smile at the ridiculousness at it all. The owl infection is so cute, and the astronaut looks stuck somewhere between agony and bliss...
    This is the kind of toy I want to see more of. Just weirdness where you kind of have to make your own story to explain it all.
  13. bbb

    bbb Side Dealer

    Re: ^o,o^

    The paint application is spectacular and detailed. And the omakes... what a treat. Happy this turned out so well and is finally out there.
  14. Michael Beverage

    Michael Beverage Line of Credit

    Re: ^o,o^

    This has grown on me the last week (no pun intended) and now me needs one.

    I can see some different characters developing based on the owl fungus life cycle.

    "OTUS! My man!"
  15. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Re: ^o,o^

    Can someone PM me the link to a website for these guys? Can't find much, and google just gives you lots of owls.
  16. treblekicker

    treblekicker Beggars Can't Be Choosers

    Re: ^o,o^

    http://owltoy.bigcartel.com/ is what i could find.
  17. blakewest

    blakewest Post Pimp

    Re: ^o,o^

    Heh usaid taint lolz
  18. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Re: ^o,o^


    Might as well throw these in here, too:


    Why waste a good post? :razz:


    Otus Owl Owltoy #otus #owl #owltoy
    Lalo, D-.No and DrMadness like this.
  19. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Re: ^o,o^

    Fantastically fun omakes with this guy. I just love accessories for toys. I can already imagine all the potential uses for Otus' interdimensional tv, and his science ray.

    He did very nice work on that header too; thanks for sharing it.
  20. plastichunter

    plastichunter Mini Boss

    Re: ^o,o^

    So pleased that I was able to add this magical yet contradictory toy to my collection. A big thank you to all involved.
    D-.No likes this.
  21. a.tom

    a.tom Addicted

    Re: ^o,o^

    Funny that Alex Pardee comes out with a figure that has the exact same concept at the same time. I like them both.
  22. bbb

    bbb Side Dealer

    Re: ^o,o^

    Apples and oranges!
  23. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    Re: ^o,o^

    I would say the only similarity is they are both astronauts
  24. Greasebat

    Greasebat Side Dealer

    Re: ^o,o^

    you said TAINT...

    this little guy rules, my favorite part is the human's face.
  25. leili

    leili Toy Prince

    Re: ^o,o^

    This is insane!!!ly good!! How does this kind of wor(k) go under the radar..

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