sbbenhcs' corner of ruined toys

Discussion in 'Custom Toys and Fan Art' started by sbbenhcs, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    that's gonna be one packed shelf! =p
    i think my current count of finished pieces for the show is 76... i think i will have to stop at 100, purely for the sake of my sanity.
  2. Leecifer

    Leecifer Side Dealer

    There's some great stuff in this thread! The subtle distressed color selections and applications on some of these (Hoboo) is/are really nice. Also nice to see rich matt colored work w/out a lot of clear coat (nothing wrong w/ clear coat) for variety.
  3. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    posted these in the gusto thread, but figured a little nod to them was appropriate over here as well! pretty darn pleased
    with the way these came out... not bad for a first collaboration run, eh!?

    (and thanks, lee... matte has always been my preferred finish, glad to see there's a little bit of love for it out there!)
  4. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

  5. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    and if anyone is interested, i finally got off my dusty ass and made a big cartel shop... schnebb's shop!
    so come and get your fix of ruined toys!
  6. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    still lots of stuff up in the shop... and since my birthday is coming up (and i want to buy a bunch of stuff) there's a 10% discount
    on everything! use the code BDAY, but it's only good until the 11th of november...
  7. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit


    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    been working on a few new things recently, though i've been slacking off on the photos outside of instagram...
    call it baby steps in combating laziness. =p
  8. blurble

    blurble Addicted

    Chris your work is amazing! I love the Zag with the custom hat!! Awesome work as usual.
  9. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    whole new sale going on in the first post! help me not ship this stuff to china! =)
  10. Leecifer

    Leecifer Side Dealer

    Once again for all - You can post links to sell your customs elsewhere. No direct sales (prices) of personal work please.
  11. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    and once again for myself, i'll ask where to find this rule posted. (you neglected to answer that in your pm, lee.)

    i'm not asking out of non-compliance, but because you seem to think it's so obviously stated somewhere. i'm not exactly new here, and time was that
    anytime skinner (the most prolific example i can recall) would post his customs in the main sales forum they always got moved here (with pricing intact,
    mind you). if things have changed since then, fine... i'll happily play along.
  12. Leecifer

    Leecifer Side Dealer

    Well ya got me! While a couple of other mods try and figure out where it went let me address another issue. Calling someone out in public from a pm is usually frowned on as well. As I stated then I was trying to help you. Yes there are some well documented hypocrisies. I guess the best I can give you is when you've put in as much time as say someone like Skinner or have comparable talent you may get a pass too. But there are many who play by the rules - you don't see guys like Paul Kaiju or say MVH expecting (or needing) an exception. And yes you seem to have held your own against some of the old guard, but when I don't respond to their emails/complaints they'll just go over my head. I don't make the rules and hell, rarely need to enforce them (specifically ones I don't agree w/). If you want to play "bull in a china closet" w/ your interactions w/ other board members that's your prerogative. I'm a shitty mod by point of pride, as I don't care for heavily moderated boards. I'm usually oblivious to people who think think they need to challenge everything. I don't like to have my time wasted and try not to do it to others. I'm not a fan of entitlement or hypocrasy. I rarely get involved (in any mod capacity) w/ the obvious exception being when I feel a new person is being unduly harassed or to champion customs. I campaigned for this out of the way little spot for customs when it was not remotely welcome. I glad it's here and I'm glad you can share your work here. I wish there were more folks doing so and more new blood. I dig your work, but can't say I'm a fan of your actions or attitude, but it doesn't really matter what I think.
  13. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    oh lee, please don't quit now... i'm beginning to genuinely enjoy this conversation.

    there was a honest mistake made, a mistake based in 4.5 years of experience playing it this vat of passionate emotions that is skullbrain.
    and when informed of this infraction, i remedied it as soon as i could get back to a computer (albeit in my own sarcastic and admittedly lazy
    fashion). yet somewhere along they way, i became an entitlement case demanding an exception. that's what i don't understand. i only stated
    that, based on past experiences and in the absence of any mention to the contrary, sales of customs in threads was not expressly forbidden.
    i never compared my work to skinner's, or anyone else's for that matter, nor did i ask for the same treatment they received. i simply asked for
    a reference, because there was new information... and i was perhaps missing something else.

    so in order to resolve this, and any further disputes, may i suggest a faq/sticky specifically for the customs section? i'd willing take the time
    to help craft it, and with it living and readily available in the very forum it covers, it would staunch the majority of issues likely to develop.
    i'm not saying it has to be some grand, in-depth undertaking... but a simple collection of the combined learnings of the customizers here may
    be quite valuable for someone not nearly as versed in the ways of skullbrain.

    i was never looking to undermine the validity of customs nor question the opportunity to share them in this unique setting. and i'm sure that
    (mostly) everyone that posts in this particular section of the forums does so from a positive and supportive, if somewhat critiquing, place.
    we all know it takes a lot to bring forth a personal creative endeavor, and even more so to trot it out in front of the proverbial firing squad
    here. maybe the addition of some written guidelines would entice more people to bring their work forward.

    so there's a proposed solution to a problem, as opposed to introducing additional problems.

    and here's a throwback thurday custom "mossy back" sloth n moth that i did for trueadrn last year, just to keep it topical...
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

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