The best godzilla dvd set?

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Arkturus, Mar 21, 2021.

  1. Arkturus

    Arkturus Fresh Meat

    My wife donated all my old godzilla movie dvd’s during our move. Lost them all. Which set do you guys recommend? I want as many movies in 1 set as possible through the 1975 movie. Dont want to have to buy them all separate.

  2. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

  3. Arkturus

    Arkturus Fresh Meat

    Perfect thanks. Found it on amazon. Will buy this.
  4. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    If you want to stream, HBO Max has most if not all of the Criterion editions of the Godzilla films.
  5. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    The Criterion set is not without it's flaws, but for what you get there is definitely no comparison. A good deal of it stems from Toho's own purposeful intent to seemingly sabotage the foreign market by limiting access to their material, but the packaging could have used with a bit of design input as well (if you ask me, which no one obviously has). In the US luckily it can sometimes be found affordably, and another reason - for what you are getting in the Showa era collection, to just plonk down that investment. It took me a long while to hunt down a R2 set affordably, but I am sure happy that I did. Might as well give a shout out here to complete your set with the other mandatory offerings, like the Mill Creek or Eureka Mothra. Now if only we can continue that with a proper copy of Matango.*

    *And yes, of course still waiting for H-man, Dogora, War of the Gargantuas, Space Amoeba, Battle in Outer Space, The Human Vapour....
    SpectralNight likes this.
  6. Biff

    Biff S7 Royalty

    If you wait, Barnes & Noble has 50% off Criterion sales about 2x year. Criterion's online store does, as well.
    ultrakaiju likes this.
  7. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Good point! I should have made mention of that in my initial post.

    Yep, be patient and pay no more than $112.49!

    @bunnyboy's thread about the set, in case yr interested.
  8. Arkturus

    Arkturus Fresh Meat

    thanks. I want to buy it to collect as well just to have. This set looks pretty neat.

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