"The Thing" 2011

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by vog_island, Sep 4, 2011.

  1. vog_island

    vog_island Addicted

    If there was one horror classic from my youth that I was hoping no one would dig up to take a shit on, this was it.

    Watch the trailer and tell me if there is any fucking reason for this movie to exist, except as a handjob to morons. Being a "prequel", the story obviously has to be extremely similar to the Carpenter version, which means no surprises or innovation, plus crappy CGI. The director has tried to copy the look of the original as closely as possible and taken the extra step of adding a Ripley-like character for the lead. Great job asshole.

    I'm not thrilled about Ridley Scott digging up Alien, but at least, one, it's RIdley Scott doing it, and two, it looks like a completely different movie. It's been a long time since Scott has made a good movie but there's a chance that this will be interesting (and it saves us for a few more years from the spectre of a straight remake of the original). This new "Thing" is just the most cynical kind of graverobbing. Fuck everyone involved with this garbage.
  2. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    I'm sure if I had bothered to watch a trailer or any promotional material for this new Thing thing I'd agree that it looked like a shit-biscuit, but I'm posting here to make sure that you know that John Carpenter's The Thing was re-make as well...


    Just checkin'.
  3. vog_island

    vog_island Addicted

    yeah, I don't have a problem with remakes per se, but there has to be a compelling reason. There's a world of difference between the Hawks original and Carpenter's version. The new one is clearly just a cynical ripoff, like pretty much every remake of anything in the last 10 years.
  4. chimmychazz

    chimmychazz Comment King

  5. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Haha yeah a local paper mentioned remakes in an article and didn't even mention that Carpenters was a remake (the article bashed remakes.) Then it called the new Conan a remake (which it's not, the reviewer didn't seem to notice that Conan was a pulp story series and even comics before the movie.) Calling the new Conan a remake is like calling every James Bond movie or Batman movie a remake.
  6. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

    so instead of a studio green lighting del toro's "at the mountains of madness" (the original antartica/alien story) they green light another remake.

    sad. :cry:
  7. melek_taus

    melek_taus Mini Boss

    ^^^ This is the kind of shit that pisses me off. Instead of taking a risk on something new, that they fear people may not like, they go with what has already been done. Go with the movie with a proven audience, slap some crappy gimmicks and some CGI monsters, and collect the money. Who cares about originality or making new art, right?
  8. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Hollywood is dead...

    If you want good movies, its either the indie or foreign route or just go back and find old movies you never saw. I have been digging up old flicks and LOVE it !
  9. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    I agree with all the sentiment posted here regarding how crappy these remakes are but I DO blame the audiences that go also. So many times I hear from people my age or sometimes younger that saw the original (or in this case a GOOD remake) going "Oh man I can't wait to go see that shit!" Really? Yeah it's going to be shit alright...

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