Discussion in 'Whatever' started by vinylhammer, Jul 13, 2016.

  1. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King

    All I know is all of a sudden in the past decade or so there's a bunch of content and information in my house that wasn't there before. And if it was there, I certainly couldn't see it.
    ungawa222 likes this.
  2. Ethan

    Ethan Formerly siphilon

    I apologize - I'd be happy to discuss this with anyone privately instead of taking this thread off course. The photo was acquired from a public website and was cropped to remove any specific location info.

    I think it's pretty harmless but at the same time sends a message and who knows: maybe the person is ripping off Honda tuners, offroaders or better homes & gardens communities too?!

    The persons information SHOULD be publicized.
    patrickvaz likes this.
  3. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    "The toy scene be cray-cray" - Myself imagining myself as a Tyler Perry Madea type grandma.
    ungawa222 and IronPaw like this.
  4. MonstaIslandCzar

    MonstaIslandCzar Comment King

    Sam made his address (or whomever's address, and/or multiple people's address) public when he had goods shipped to him and then proceeded to steal them. News Flash, everyone's address is attainable online, along with google earth pics.

    Assuming that someone is going to go to his house and hurt him or others, or destroy property because someone posted a picture of it is dumb. If someone was going to go that far for revenge they would figure out where he lived some way or another.

    Publishing his address on here so that people can be forewarned about potential future scams makes sense. This should be a community where we support and protect each other (though it rarely is any more) and Sam has been a clear threat for years now with no end in sight.

    Any recourse taken against Sam is a result of his decisions time and time again to fuck people over, and, of course, is the responsibility of the person doling it out. Stop shaming others for calling him out and sharing info. Its pathetic, victim blaming. People are accountable for what they do, not what someone else "encouraged" them to do by posting info. Reminds me of the dickbagconspire episode where people claimed he was baited into threatening violence. Quit making excuses for other people and shifting blame.

    Clearly the "proper authorities" have done nothing to stop this fuckwad or no one has contacted them in any of these cases. So if people want to stop him on their own then let them and let them be accountable for it. And walk away from this and continue to be fucked over by people the rest of your life, or pretend someone will come and save you. Let those of us who stand up for ourselves and our friends be, and continue to turn your head the other way toward greener pastures. Unless of course you are friends with Sam or are a thief yourself and thus are defending/protecting this shitbag...then go fuck yourself too.
  5. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Wow, Ben. What an aggressive and mean-spirited, not to mention condescending, way to address this issue. Absolutely no one here here is defending or endorsing the asshole in question's actions. Any descent in this thread has been wholly related to the posting of specific personal information here on our public site, and those stated opinions are wholly in line with this forums' policies - perhaps @TiredChildren can confirm this for us as a matter of record. The practice of doxing is illegal most everywhere, so I can well imagine that doing what you suggest could likely leave S7 or the individual that chose to post the information accountable should anything occur, whether or not it can be directly linked back to the thread. Wouldn't that be a ridiculous irony?

    Feel free to say that you'd be happy to provide information to interested parties, and evangelize about this opportunist criminal as much as and wherever you like, but don't attack us here that are just as concerned as you are, and don't encourage us to break the rules - of which there are few - of our humble home.
    gatiio likes this.
  6. MonstaIslandCzar

    MonstaIslandCzar Comment King

    Wow, some thicker skin is needed here. The only aggressive thing I said was the last line and I'm hoping no one took offense to that here because that would mean "you are friends with Sam or are a thief yourself and thus are defending/protecting this shitbag" and to that I say "go fuck yourself."

    If you are concerned about rules being broken then contact an admin...maybe they can step in and help like they did with GSC :lol:
    Their forum, their responsibility. Same with the person who is "doxing." It didn't see the admins too concerned about threats of violence against other members, which if materialized would certainly draw some unwanted attention to the forum where it all started :roll:

    I advocate sharing a thief's aliases and info used to scam people to help others avoid him. I do not advocate violence or illegal retribution against him. I do think glitter bombs are genius :razz::thumbsup:
    gatiio, Ethan and IronPaw like this.
  7. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    First: you did in fact take it to a place of offensiveness it didn't need to go in closing your earlier post, Ben. Your post just above:
    "The only aggressive thing I said was the last line and I'm hoping no one took offense to that here because that would mean "you are friends with Sam or are a thief yourself and thus are defending/protecting this shitbag" and to that I say "go fuck yourself." a dodge, because your post was directly in response to mine.

    Next, I do understand the seething anger and deep want for things to be made right that derives from being ripped off. I have been ripped off a couple times in my life- not by Sam, not even once in toy-collecting... bigger things. Probably the worst was when a fucking slimy, evil autobody shop owner put me (and my family, for that matter) in a bad position several years back. I took it in for an oil change and alignment, and his guys literally destroyed the engine. And the fight was on. It's fucking painful, aggravating and just absolutely sucks to be ripped off.

    Third, and sincerely: you make some good, valid points about Sam's personal info. They were points I was already aware of, but I understand why you made them plain in relation to my post. Without explaining why (I've been in the car ALL damn day), I think it takes a somersault or two in reasoning to construe what I wrote as victim-blaming. What I was saying, stripped of the earlier verbosity, is simply that I don't think it belongs HERE. It bothered me when I first saw it, but I did give it a day to chew it over... "Should I really say something?" Not only do I stand by what I wrote, you yourself gave support to what I was trying to express in the first two sentences of your initial post.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2016
  8. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    Invaluable advice for successfully taking action against someone who ripped you off:

    Odibex likes this.
  9. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty

    Post it in the for sale forum then, so that only members here can see it. Not in the whatever section
  10. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    Good suggestion.
  11. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Man, this is such a moral dilemma. Protect more people by sharing his personal info and risk the safety of Sam, or not share his information and risk having one of us get ripped off if he decides to change his alias/username again?
    I have no opinion right now, because I really can't decide which is the lesser evil. There will always be some crazy nutter who wants to get vigilante justice in the worst way possible, but at the same time changing your alias or username is so damn easy that someone who is not aware of his address could easily get duped. Heck, he could make a new PayPal easily as well. The Internet is a hotbed on anonymity. (Hell, on a lot of online games people are convinced I'm a man. I just let them continue assuming that. :lol:)

    That being said, maybe it's time for a super-duper-confirmed list of scammers in the BST section.
  12. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    I don't see any moral dilemma at all. Someone has been ripping people off horribly for years and years at this point. The more people here know the better off everyone is. Some people buy/sell/trade stuff here all the time and something as simple as knowing one of his commonly used addresses could easily save ANYONE here hundreds if not thousands of dollars. That's all that matters.

    The problem is sharing personal info on public forums is generally illegal but that has absolutely nothing to do with being immoral at all. Sharing the info is hands down the right thing to do from any moral standpoint.

    The solution is simple though. Someone here who has the address should PM it to as many people as they can and those people should PM it to more people until all the "regular" members have it saved so we can avoid being robbed like the countless victims already have been. This shouldn't be another one of those only the cool kids get to know the details type of situations. If I had the addy I'd PM every single person in this thread myself.
  13. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King

    I just had a weird little flashback. Anybody familiar with the early graffiti doc Style Wars? There's a character known as Cap in there and I got the same feeling about this Sean as I did learning about Cap. Like, this person is a psychopath. The story starts at two minutes in;

    leili likes this.

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