ever consider quitting collecting?

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by eric, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Feb 21, 2006
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    Hey man, I've been there before - many times. For me, personally, it's the materialist/anti-materialist struggle. I like nice things. I like well designed things. I like artful things. And I WANT them. But I also think materialism is abhorrent and unfulfilling. It fills something in me momentarily, but over time the accumulation becomes overwhelming and humiliating. That push/pull cycle is something I've really tried to tame down.

    As others have said, there's no sense in regretting what's been done in the past. But instead decide what to do moving forward. Personally, I pretty much stopped buying toys entirely - I cannot remember the last toy I bought. But I didn't sell off all my toys, even though I had that strong urge. I tried getting rid of a few that didn't fit the collection, but otherwise kept the more cohesive collections intact. And a few of those sub-collections have small holes where I've left myself the ability to buy the pieces that would fill those holes should they ever crop up. In that way I've been able to maintain a tie to SB, without accumulating further junk.

    Also as others have said, your photographs are inspiring! I largely blame you whenever I get an urge to buy a new toy! In fact, just last week I found myself looking at BxH auctions because of your damn photos! ;)
  2. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Apr 16, 2013
    Phoenix, Arizona
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    @The Moog Funnily enough, I’ve had aspirations of releasing a book of toy photos for some time, but I haven’t been able to decide on what photos to use, or really where to begin with things like layouts and whatever else would be necessary to go into it. And, what I’d consider ironically enough, the title of the book I’ve settled on since July of 2017 will be “Victim of Sofubi.” Originally a play of words on the craziness of collecting, but is now taking on a whole new meaning. :shock:

    @hellointerloper Maddie, that’s fantastic, and I’m elated to know that a framed print of a Kumon I snapped brings you joy. To know that any of my photos evoke joy with anyone, really! Thank you for that.

    @hellopike Luckily for me, I didn’t actually *want* to kick shit in, it was much more an impulsive thought of irrationality. But the feeling, regardless, isn’t a good one. Obviously! Space isn’t even an issue for me(at the moment, luckily). And it isn’t so much about how much I have, but rather asking why I have it to begin with. I’ve been able to cycle through the thought process a bit, and I am calmer. Reminding myself of the friendships I’ve forged and the traveling and the opportunities I’ve had because of the hobby/community have helped re - ground me. For that, I’m very thankful.

    @---NT--- I had absolutely no idea you hadn’t been collecting for X amount of time, at least to the point that you can’t remember your last purchase. But I’m glad you’re still active here. And it’s incredibly flattering my photos could resurface, at the very least, a desire to look up BxH listings and play with the idea of bringing a new toy into your home.

    It’s been a weird feeling. It’s almost like the mindset of questioning life: “Why arm I here? What’s my purpose? What is the meaning?” It’s definitely a stretch of a comparison, but it’s the closest I could come to rationalizing my brain on the subject. I don’t even think I need to have an answer, other than collecting makes me happy. I don’t know why I flipped shit for an evening, but it’ll be nice once I get out of this funk and can go back to enjoying being surrounded by the little worlds we make for ourselves. I truly do appreciate everyone that’s taken the time to convey their thoughts to my thoughts.
    Alebrije, Mr Fox, ---NT--- and 5 others like this.
  3. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    Dec 3, 2007
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    I also get this feeling now and again. Just recently after my daughter was born I found myself home with a lot of screen time and started buying a lot. And soon after frustration kicked in, I’d been buying so much stuff. I guess I had just also redone my display so I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted change and get to fill out some shelves and that kind of gave me an excuse.
    I think what @NT said is the closest anyone has ever come in this thread to putting into words how I feel.
    Anyway Robert, if you ever feel the need to cut stuff. Don’t ever worry that I’d care if you sold any Secretoy or Splurrt stuff. I wouldn’t. I totally understand , and your state of being and happiness trumps all.
  4. hellopike

    hellopike S7 Royalty

    Mar 21, 2007
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    @xSuicide Squadx on the topic of a photo book- take a look at other art books; maybe ask around for folks with some design knowledge to help out, or just say fuck it and go diy zine style. I know it’s a bit of an endeavor, but with Kickstarter or something you could gauge interest and ideally get it funded. I’d buy one! (Psst. If you need a topic, Do it on fight figures) ;)
  5. zindabad

    zindabad Line of Credit

    Dec 28, 2017
    Fake New York
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    The last six months have been immensely stressful for me. When stuff has reached a breaking point a few times, I get home and hold my derpy orange Miura dino, and cry. It's hard to be sad for too long while I'm turning it over in my hands, and it's become an important anchor to me. I only own it because of your photos and impressions, @xSuicide Squadx.

    It's not a lot compared to your overall contributions to the community, which I'm too new to know the half of. But you've touched my life in a meaningful way with what you do. I'm sure others have found sources of inspiration, comfort and plain fun through your introductions as well.
  6. Mr Fox

    Mr Fox Addicted

    Nov 25, 2019
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    Quote one without the context of quote two would create a very different response; however, both combined would lead me to suggest that you're having a 'what the hell is the meaning of any of this' moment, which (personally) I think is pretty normal and has less to do with collecting, more to do with existential debate.

    First and foremost, what I collect is stuff... stuff that makes me smile, aesthetically pleasing things but inanimate material possessions none the less. In the wider scheme of life, it is disposable and the equivalent of garnish on a meal or sprinkles on a cake; art makes things a little nicer but you need the rest in place to be a positive pursuit. In other words, and in my experience, people who collect because they are woefully unhappy and are trying to plug a hole by focusing on collecting something tend to realise sooner or later that it isn't bringing them happiness (I'm sure we've all seen the TV shows on hoarders). Taking what you've said at face value, again, I don't see this as what you're suffering from because you've made it clear that you are not making poor financial decisions to get your next vinyl hit, have a fulfilling life outside of toys and aren't consumed by the hunt.

    Therefore, and perhaps framing it in my own context, I'll go back to the 'what is the point of any of this' theory...

    Some context. I woke up Friday morning to the news that someone I've known for nearly three decades, was very close to and have spent most of the working week for over 20-years passed away from a sudden and totally unexpected heart attack in the night. The news was a kick in the gut and I still find it surreal, painfully sad and spent today constantly fighting the habits of two decades (hearing a noise and thinking it is them, only to remind yourself they are gone, etc). I mention this for one reason - were you to ask me whether collecting was important or meaningful today, I would tell you no. Life, at times, has a way of reminding us what is truly important and, more often than not, those reminders are painful and harsh. With that said, I do try to reframe them and take something positive from the mess, namely make sure that people you care about know how you feel every day, don't worry about the small things, take time to savour little details and appreciate what you have and the moment you're in. This isn't me being spiritual or trying to preach but I did read your post and wonder if it was simply you thinking: do I put too much meaning in these objects? Perhaps this is something we're all guilty of from time to time and it takes moments of clarity to remind us that they are things that are the garnish on our lives and although they give us pleasure, it should pale into comparison to the rest of what makes up for our existence.
    smurph, Alebrije and Smotemotem like this.
  7. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Apr 16, 2013
    Phoenix, Arizona
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    @hellopike There is a handful of friends I have that could ask for either advice, or assistance. Even if it’s just a small photo zine of various fight figures, or whatever the subject may be of toys, it’d be great to see it physically exist outside of just being an idea in my head. For sure something I need to buckle down on.

    @zindabad Thats seriously one of the coolest fuckin’ things I’ve read. For something as simple as a photo I’ve taken to have such an impression that it’d push for a toy to enter your collection, especially one that you’re way stoked on, is a great, great feeling. I hold a lot of sentiment in that, so thank you.

    @Mr Fox After having some time to sit back and think about this whole whirlwind in my head, this probably hits closest to the nail on the head. I actually talked about this next portion with a couple fellow collectors. I worked with Lulubell for almost six years, so toys themselves weren’t only my hobby, but also a very frequently hands on job, that had me constantly surrounded in sofubi and the hobby as a whole. Hell, because of Lulubell, and because of toys, I realized a childhood dream of visiting Japan in 2015. So when the doors closed it may have effected me more than I thought, but sort of just now caught up to me. I may have put a lot of importance on these objects, because so many themselves represent specific memories, times, places, conversations, good days, bad days, people, etc. They still can, of course, but they don’t necessarily have to speak *for* all the aforementioned, just reminders. And Lulubell was the majority catalyst, so in losing my position with that shop it may have manifested into “Without Lulu, what does having any of this even mean?!” Perhaps my temporary lapse in sanity by way of manic depression was my push into clarity and gaining a firmer grasp on a better picture. I love toys, I love collecting, I love this hobby, I love hobbyist photography and I love this community. But maybe putting too much thought and meaning into these objects individually is what caused me to have this minor meltdown with putting too much thought into why I’m here, outside of the obvious that it does, in fact, bring me joy.

    I might need to slow down a bit, I might not. I might have to quit altogether. Who knows? But I’m very thankful for everyone here, and outside, that have gone out of their way to provide perspective and much for me to think about. As embarrassed as I remain about what started this dialogue for me, it is an insight I’m extremely appreciative of.
  8. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty

    Sep 11, 2010
    Orlando, FL
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    I know I can’t buy any more at the moment due to credit card debt but there’s always a deal too good or something that I won’t see again for a while. I’ve thought about selling certain toys and parts of my collection but I have an emotional attachment to most of it and can remember where and how I got almost every toy. For instance, I have a regular release marbled Mongolion but I remember Joe Wu pulling out a few at the NYCC Super7 booth and letting me pick my favorite marbling. I don’t think I will ever completely quit but I do have to think realistically with thinking about getting married, buying a house, etc. in the next couple of years. I’ve been wanting to go to DCON, FivePoints, Creature Bazaar, GFest, etc but it doesn’t seem like it’ll happen anytime soon...
  9. Count

    Count Post Pimp

    Oct 21, 2005
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    I'm hardly ever on here other than to take a quick peek at whats going on from time to time, I just can't justify buying toys these days. After moving 4 times and having a kid a few years ago, quitting my job to go to school for a bit to change careers I just don't have the time space or extra money anymore. All of my toys have stayed in boxes the last couple of moves and I have zero extra space to display them, or keep them boxed (they're taking up half my closet at the moment) so I've just taken pictures of everything I could find and I've started an instagram account to try and sell shit. It was fun to see everything again and there was a bunch of stuff I didn't even remember that I had.

    That said I also have a storage room full of skateboard decks and vhs tapes and under my bed is all vhs tapes, I've fit as many records and tapes as I can in my living room, old stereo equipment that take sup too much space, boxes of comics stacked in my bedroom, so the collecting never really ends, but sometimes some stuff just has to go!
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
  10. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Apr 16, 2013
    Phoenix, Arizona
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    @Russblue11 Having important happenings like buying a house and getting married is super understandable with collecting being put on the back burner. Not on the same level as buying a house or getting married in my opinion, but I curbed collecting outside of trades a lot when saving up for Japan. At the very least, we all know these toys come back around and exchange hands. I’m sure you’ll have your rounds make themselves. Even still, it’ll be really cool to finally hang with you at a convention.

    @Count Reading accounts like this kind of punch me in the dick when it comes to what it is I’m, realistically speaking, complaining about. Yes, it was a shitty night. Yes, it’s taxing my brain. Yes, it’s difficult to think and overthink and exist in my own paranoia in my head. But I’m rather lucky that I haven’t had to go through multiple moves, storage units, boxes, financial woes, selling off for life emergencies or greater good decisions; like, actual, legitimate problems with collecting. But I do think it’s rad you still have collections of things that presumably make you stoked. I have a couple friends with goddamn libraries of old horror VHS tapes, and that aesthetic is pretty cool. But like you said sometimes, stuff’s just gotta go, or you can get crazy lost in it, which I think I experienced moderately.
    Count likes this.
  11. GoldenArmKid

    GoldenArmKid Line of Credit

    Aug 17, 2009
    New Zealand
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    Almost did. But I love toys in general not just Sofubi I appreciate having some quirky objects in my space and I think I always will. It's much more laser focused now and missing something doesn't really bother me, Maybe I'll get the toy maybe I won't.

    I enjoy what I have.
    The Moog likes this.
  12. skaldavsatanssol

    skaldavsatanssol Toy Prince

    Oct 31, 2016
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    How's everyone feel towards collecting in modern times? Do you: hold on to what you have and appreciate it while you wait for brighter days,sell it all to make ends meet, manage the odd purchase here or there because you can afford it or make the odd purchase and feel instant guilt/regret?

    Of course for many of us shipping has become difficult or impossible when shopping online. For better or worse depending on how long the current situation remains, I can imagine that when we see each other on the other side there will definitely be a reduction in our fellow collectors.
    Grindingmachete likes this.
  13. Smotemotem

    Smotemotem Toy Prince

    Sep 28, 2015
    Piedmont, AL
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    @skaldavsatanssol - I’m probably being dumb. I still have a job, for now, so I’m trying to make a few purchases here-and-there. The international shipping complications have made me wary, and most of the stuff I want is in Japan. I can back off if my ability to meet needs starts to become uncertain.
  14. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    May 31, 2013
    Brisbane, Australia
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    Pretty much this! For us the AUD is worthless compared to USD and JPY so in addition to delayed shipping and the ever so slight chance of catching cooties from packaging etc, the idea of making purchases has pretty much evaporated. Just gonna stay at home and dig through the tubs of germ-free toys for now.
    The Moog and Smotemotem like this.
  15. C E

    C E Toy Prince

    Feb 20, 2020
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    Like Daniel I'm also making a few purchases here-and-there, though mostly to satisfy my newfound hobby - another temporary concession to the ongoing pandemic - of refreshing browser windows, monitoring the glacial movement of seemingly rooted parcels. Thus no regrets, only fulfillment as I contemplate the words of Camus, who concluded "one must imagine Sisyphus happy" as "The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart.".
    Edit: Because why the hell not
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2020
  16. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Apr 15, 2010
    Gert Brizzle UK
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    Sure - and if they're not, you can always run those buggers through the sheep dip :razz:
  17. Mr Fox

    Mr Fox Addicted

    Nov 25, 2019
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    There is an element to part of this discussion which seems cyclical, namely:

    > I am happy with life > I buy things that make me happy > There is something in life that make the person reconsider the importance of material things and reevaluate what is really important (family, friends, health, work) > question collecting toys > life moves on > problems cease to weigh heavy on persons mind > go back to start and repeat...

    It has been said before, and I am pretty sure I have said it on this thread, these things are, in the journey of life, irrelevant trinkets. Their importance pales in comparison to family, friends, health, work, the need to earn a living, etc, etc. They are the sprinkles on the cupcake of life, the gravy on a roast dinner and the basil on your thin crust, Italian, pizza. Can you do without them, sure, but they do make things a little nicer.

    We are a couple of weeks ahead of you guys regarding the Covid lockdown and I have been dealing with it since January due to work colleagues in China. It can, at times, feel very bleak, but I choose to remain positive and do everything I can to support the healthcare professionals and protect the vulnerable both in my actions and deeds. If I thought dumping my toys would help, I would, but it won’t so questioning collecting something that brings you joy comes seems a moot point.

    Stay safe and do what you can to help others :thumbsup:
    hellopike and C E like this.
  18. C E

    C E Toy Prince

    Feb 20, 2020
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    ^ Agreed! Hence my reference to Sisyphus, i.e. the cyclical nature. Keep on truckin' :thumbsup:
  19. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Apr 15, 2010
    Gert Brizzle UK
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    I recommend a short course of antibiotics for that ...
    bunnyboy and rattanicus like this.
  20. C E

    C E Toy Prince

    Feb 20, 2020
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    Noted. As long as you have on good authority that stopping the treatment early wont encourage antibiotic resistance? I know studies find that to be the case with bacteria, but ancient rock-wielding kings? :?
  21. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Feb 2, 2006
    The Grim North
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    Both of the above.

    Digging what I dig but still too much crap stuck in storage.

    The cull has already mentally started . . . just need some semblance of normality and Int'l shipping to be resolved!
    The Moog and hellopike like this.
  22. hellopike

    hellopike S7 Royalty

    Mar 21, 2007
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    you know all those ultra rare skullwings can be sent to my house. ;)
    ungawa222 likes this.
  23. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Feb 2, 2006
    The Grim North
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    You missed the disclaimer!
    ungawa222 likes this.
  24. hellopike

    hellopike S7 Royalty

    Mar 21, 2007
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    I just assumed you were only interested in citrus-based sofubi these days. ;)
    Anti Social Andy likes this.
  25. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    May 30, 2015
    ever consider quitting collecting?
    I think every collector has the "what the fuck is the purpose of doing any of this" moment at some point in their lives. I went from comic books to Magic cards to music to movies to graphic novels to limited edition posters to sofubi. Sometimes it was due to being overwhelmed, i.e. I bought 2 years worth of reading material in 2 months. Sometimes it was pragmatism when I was buying discographies when I only liked 2 or 3 albums enough to own. Other times it was logistics like when I ran out of wall space when I downsized my house.

    Do I think I will quit sofubi one day? Probably not, unless I am unemployed for long stretches of time. I am too drawn to the art itself as well as these being so fundamentally unique due to the limited nature.

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