Comments on Profile Post by xSuicide Squadx

  1. ultrakaiju
    Said to say, but SB seems to becoming more akin to IG every day (granted I am saying that as an outsider to the latter). And - I suspect - the people so focused on pursuing this route are generally the ones least [openly] active here. Ever notice the number of members vs. those you recognise as posting?
    Aug 9, 2017
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  2. spatula007
    Agreed. There's way too many fans out there. This approach must inundate the artists inboxes. Years ago it may have been more successful, but with a growing fanbase, it's out of the question.
    Personally, the only times I've reached out are to give a quick shout-out/thanks or to ask a question on the sculpt, but not for anything beyond text.
    Aug 9, 2017
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  3. xSuicide Squadx
    xSuicide Squadx
    @ultrakaiju @spatula007 Yeah, I'm all for messaging an artist and discussing their works and such. Hell, I've had very lengthy conversations with a couple artists about their toys, influences, paints, etc. But I've never once said "Hook me up/sell me this." Who am I to think I deserve that over anyone else? I even had a local tell me "Just message the artist. That's what I do." I couldn't roll my eyes any harder.
    Aug 9, 2017
  4. spatula007
    I sent MVH some pics of my little boys with an Ollie once since it was more that half their size. I didn't want to post it but I thought he'd get a kick out of it.
    Aug 10, 2017
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  5. xSuicide Squadx
    xSuicide Squadx
    @spatula007 See, and I think that's applicable for sharing, and fun! The same local that told me to just message the artist send photos of their collection to say "Look how much I have. You should help me get more." Totally bad vibes.
    Aug 10, 2017