Comments on Profile Post by hellointerloper

  1. spatula007
    It is nice. I've recently embraced Spotify but owning hard copies is still a great thing. Liner notes and art get lost in the download. I have well over a thousand CDs from over the past 30 years and working at a radio station.
    Jan 20, 2020
    The Moog and hellointerloper like this.
  2. spatula007
    Wait until you move, then you realize how heavy all of that is!!!!
    Jan 20, 2020
    The Moog and hellointerloper like this.
  3. hellointerloper
    My CD collection is still in its infancy, but I can’t imagine what it’ll look like in 20-30 years time.
    Jan 20, 2020
  4. The Moog
    The Moog
    I've got a stupid amount, but I kept them all. I like having the option of converting to MP3 for my phone. They're a pain in the arse to find room for though, just like my books.
    Jan 20, 2020
    hellointerloper likes this.
  5. spatula007
    Jan 20, 2020
    hellointerloper likes this.
  6. Headhunter
    Vinyl music is extremely nice to be able to buy as well. I got my copy of Castlevania Rondo Of Blood music soundtrack done on vinyl recently.
    Jan 21, 2020
    hellointerloper likes this.