44th American President discussion thread.

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by bryce_r, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    Mar 1, 2006
    San Mateo
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Whiter words were never spoken...
  2. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    Dec 17, 2005
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Please elaborate how Michelle Obama has proven herself as a hater.
    And something more than a fist bump with Barack. Thanks.
  3. Autodactyl

    Autodactyl Toy Prince

    Sep 11, 2007
    Berkeley, CA
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    You can infer what you want. But clearly, she has been caricatured as some sort of angry, outspoken radical, when that is far from the case. If you, or anyone else, want to deny that that is not the case, by all means. Me, I'll stay here in reality.

    You saying so doesn't make it so. And I know someone who is coming off as an asshole, and it's not her.
  4. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    Dec 17, 2005
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Why does Michelle Obama come off as an elitist asshole?

    I see her as an intelligent and educated mother of two children who brought herself up from a difficult background. Not born with a silver spoon in her mouth unlike others.

    I find her much more interesting and approachable than Cindy McCain or Laura Bush.
  5. Autodactyl

    Autodactyl Toy Prince

    Sep 11, 2007
    Berkeley, CA
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    If anyone is an "elitist asshole" it's Cindy McCain. She's the former pill popping addict (who stole drugs from her charity, by the way), the woman who says the only way to get around in Arizona is by private jet.
  6. andy

    andy Mini Boss

    Feb 22, 2006
    Kaiju Korner
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    The "elitist" brand is another one that's often used to attack politicians who sound too intelligent and aren't "folksy" enough. It was used with great effect against Kerry. Former candidates such as Dukakis have also been hammered for being too smart. It's kind of sad that intelligence has become a liability in US politics.
  7. redhanded

    redhanded Side Dealer

    Dec 17, 2006
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    You were the one actually inferring racism on Logang1s part, when you type stuff like that you might well say "The reason you are not voting for Obama is because he is black"
    There was no need to bring up the race issue with 'strong black woman' the fact she is opinionated and someone may not like that has nothing to do with the fact she is a 'black woman'. Putting the shoe on the other foot, imagine the fall out of 'Obama is well read' verse "Obama is well read, for a black man'.

    And both sides are guilty of caricatures, its how they play the game called politics, and if you made up your mind who you are voting for, you will have a opinion on whos sided is 'right' or 'wrong' when it comes to those caricatures... while those who have not made up their mind can go get some popcorn and enjoy the show.
  8. redhanded

    redhanded Side Dealer

    Dec 17, 2006
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Ahhh Dukakis, sitting in that tank with that helmet and those bushy eyebrows peaking out... poor guy.

    Anyways, you do have a point, I think the bigger issue is the connection with the common man, seem approachable, an not talking yourself too seriously. Clinton was worldly, educated and was seen as part of the elite but he was able to connect, I remember his moment playing the sax and wearing the dark shades. Oddly George Bush had the same ability with a completely different background...
  9. logang1

    logang1 Mini Boss

    Jul 29, 2007
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Agree that she is more interesting than the other two. Again, I said "elitist" b/c of her crack about only being a proud American b/c her husband won the Iowa primary back in May. It comes across as "our shit smells better than yours"....in a country that seems shunned up until that point. Meanwhile that country has afforded the Obamas the freedom of opportunity to be a potential first family, maybe the next White House legacy....but she seems to shit on the country's past. Just my take, and apparently Obama's campaign manager also felt the same way, given the way voters reacted as he plumetted in the polls that month against Hillary. So they stuffed Michelle in a closet until the convention, and forced here to make this demeaning "Suzie Homemaker" speech, attempting to totally cleanse any feelings of anti-American sentiment that might have been lingering. PLEASE do not tell me you guys didn't feel this during her speech.....

    When Kerry ran last time against W (which I still don't understand how W won re-election btw), Teresa Heinz Kerry was also a strong willed woman, educated and intelligently spoken, and also spoke on behalf of her husband while he was running. Kerry chose to let her continue to support him publicly in lightly moderated speeches, at the objection of HIS campaign manager. Between some silly photos of him visiting NASA, and Teresa, that's where he lost it, if you consider the political analyst post mortems from that campaign.

    Bottomline is that if Michelle is such an asset, why don't we see her more often???? Because this country Republicans AND Democrats alike, just aren't ready for a strong willed, outspoken woman that dotes on her past as both a historical and earned achievement.

    Again, just my take.

    And I don't give a flying fuck what anyone says, both Michelle and Barack are both playing that race card. Obama's crack about how he "doesn't look like the other presidents" on US currency...... PLEASE!

    It just bugs me. One minute he's talking about rising above racial politics and historical prejudice, the next minute its part of his rhetoric. Barack can win this without resorting to that kind of crap. Both he and Michelle who said back in April in North Carolina "I'm not supposed to be here", inferring her past as a graduate of Harvard Law, as a black woman.....its the same cheap shit.

    If you're really going to invoke "change we can believe in".....a slogan I cannot stand....then fucking practice what you preach!!!!

    Again, just my take.
  10. Autodactyl

    Autodactyl Toy Prince

    Sep 11, 2007
    Berkeley, CA
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    No, that's what you made of my comment. Please don't put words in my mouth. I was describing the general caricature that the critics of her have painted. It can all be summed up by taking a look at the recent New Yorker article. Logang echoed some of those sentiments with his talk of "anti-Americanism," and talk of "elitism."
  11. Autodactyl

    Autodactyl Toy Prince

    Sep 11, 2007
    Berkeley, CA
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Logang, you make some good points, and others that are not so good. But I'll just leave it at that. There are other places to discuss this stuff, and that's where I usually take it these days.
  12. redhanded

    redhanded Side Dealer

    Dec 17, 2006
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Not putting words into your mouth, there is just no reason to bring race into it at all. No matter if you agree with the opinion or not.
  13. andy

    andy Mini Boss

    Feb 22, 2006
    Kaiju Korner
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    You know, as entertaining as some of these contradictions and misspeaks can be, they're really distracting from a very important election. Palin has a pregnant teenage daughter and a Down baby. So what? Obama has played the race card. Who cares?

    Everyone gaffes once in a while, and everyone has skeletons in their closet. The media loves to play up these juicy bits since it sells more root beer and oreos.

    This election could have radical implications for the US economy, global environment, and geo-political relations. The fact that it's degenerating into talking points and chest thumping speeches is further evidence that US elections are more circus than substance.

    Incidentally, it seems to me that, for better or worse, religion (and particularly abortion) is going to dominate this election just as it has the previous two.
  14. Autodactyl

    Autodactyl Toy Prince

    Sep 11, 2007
    Berkeley, CA
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Are you so sensitive that a simple adjective makes you pull the he-pulled-the-race-card card? Give it a rest.
  15. backtrack

    backtrack S7 Royalty

    Apr 17, 2007
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    As it stands John McCain's hawkish attitude it terrifying enough.
    Now we add to that mix this woman, a total ploy to get votes, regardless of what she brings to the table, a total insult to the voting public.
    There was a moment in the speech (i have only seen highlights) where she questions whether terrorists should have rights, the crowd goes wild!
    That scares me. it would seem that everyone has rights, that the whole point of them.
    Couple this with the idea of her attempts to ban books, putting bounties on wild animals, and questioning endangered species status, she seems like the worst possible person.
    And, I'm not sorry to keep banging on about this, she is a creationist who believes the world start 8,000 years ago.
    That's a pretty big deal. Seriously.
    How can you trust someone who has to approach serious issues with a level head, take in the experts opinions and scientific facts regarding all sorts of things from power to environmental impacts to warheads who seriously believes that we are here because of a snake, Adam and a spare rib.
    I could almost accept if she followed intelligent design (not really, but, a little bit more) at least that shows a degree of respect for science and REALITY!
    But a creationist?!!!??
    No no no no.... no.

    How can anyone think this is ok?
  16. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Nov 25, 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    For the record, the Michelle Obama quote was:
    And later that day she amended it a bit:
    I take issue with the sentiment, but I wouldn't really call the statements "elitist," rather, I think they were designed to put her and her husband in the martyrdom seat. The idea is that America was shitting on Barack up until that point, and America really didn't warrant any merit for it.

    I think it's silly that Michelle Obama would really say that she's never been proud of America in her entire life. That's a pretty narrow-minded view and paints her as someone very bitter. However, I also think the remark was blown out of proportion, and her role as first lady really isn't going to have much of an effect on this country. Look at Hillary's tenure, she talked a big game but accomplished none of it in eight years.

    And speaking of first ladies, when you look at Laura Bush, do you get the idea that her next orgasm is going to be her first? ;p
  17. Monkey

    Monkey Line of Credit

    Oct 2, 2007
    Louisville Slugger
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    If that past includes 500 years of slavery and oppression I would shit on it too.

    (paraphrasing my emphasis)

    We should. I think the problem is that her ideas about sex education, and promoting abstinence only are the problem. And that problem proves itself within the confinds of her own home.
  18. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Feb 21, 2006
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    And what exactly does Obama's middle name bring to the argument? :roll:

  19. andy

    andy Mini Boss

    Feb 22, 2006
    Kaiju Korner
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Naughty naughty to take that out of context Monkey. ;)

    My point was this race (every race?) is all about distraction. For chrissake, this is about who is qualified to have their finger on the button that could destroy mankind. Instead the focus is on hot button issues that have almost nothing to do with the governance of the country.

    The US elected GW twice, and from the looks of things around half the electorate is all for the new batch of Reps. As time goes by, one gets the sense that the majority (not all, the majority) of Americans care more about religion, abortion, and guns than education, the economy, and foreign policy. Does that worry anyone else?
  20. Monkey

    Monkey Line of Credit

    Oct 2, 2007
    Louisville Slugger
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin


    I couldn't help myself!
  21. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Feb 21, 2006
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Absolutely, Andy! I'm of the opinion that the Religious Right and the Evangelicals are the most dangerous and damaging sector of the world's population. They vote based on how they want other people to live, rather than how they themselves would like to live. They are more concerned with keeping gays from marrying, or raped girls from terminating pregnancies than they are with their own family's well-being. They continually vote to put people in power that will act of their religious ideologies, while robbing them of their hard-earned money. Their votes that are based on gay marriage/abortion have far reaching effects on the economy, environment, international politics, etc. It disgusts me.
  22. backtrack

    backtrack S7 Royalty

    Apr 17, 2007
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin


    And this is disturbing:
    umm... yeah... Pray for the pipeline.
    God doesn't care about the wildlife, nope, just me being warm (which raises the question: If God wanted us to be warm, why is there winter... oh wait! Global Warming is God's way of decreasing our dependence on fossil fuels, now I get it!)
  23. Monkey

    Monkey Line of Credit

    Oct 2, 2007
    Louisville Slugger
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Three words on that:
    :lol: :roll: :evil:
  24. stealthtank

    stealthtank Post Pimp

    Oct 29, 2006
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Spoken like a true Harvard graduate! ;)
  25. logang1

    logang1 Mini Boss

    Jul 29, 2007
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Harvard or Hartford????


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