A Comment. Do I smell tulips?

Discussion in 'Compliments & Comments' started by Artemis, Nov 27, 2005.

  1. Artemis

    Artemis Fresh Meat

    Nov 25, 2005
    South of Heaven.
    A Comment. Do I smell tulips?
    I read somewhere that when a culture has more interest in it's memories than it's dreams, that culture is in serious danger. The idea being that if you spend all your time talking about the glories of the past, and not thinking about where you want to go next, you lose your drive. So is this inertia of collecting neo vintage KAIJU leading us to a proverbial tulip run mentality. We run up the cost and then go bust as prices level out or a bad taste for the product makes us disdain their beauty. I feel that I might just have to indulge into the new, more esoteric offering and leave this page for the Kid Robot type Graff artist comme Vinyl figure creators. I need to progress and I feel one person can have an effect. I depart this Hall of knowledge dear reader for Neo pastures. ( I got a date with a girl that is into the Vinyl Pulse lifestyle more so than the bugs toys I collect. Ugh. But its a start. I Think she is too EMO for me but I must connect with others in the real world. ( Have I said too much?) )
  2. yiminy

    yiminy Toy Prince

    Nov 11, 2005
    A Comment. Do I smell tulips?
    Wellll - Arthur's journey to ya. Drop me a note if you're heading to G-Fest XIII (about a week before the Solstice in Cancer) and we can toast the kaiju neo and old-school!

    PS - good luck with them tulips! And I mean Ms. Emo - not the Econ 101 reference.
  3. cesar

    cesar Addicted

    Oct 17, 2005
    A Comment. Do I smell tulips?
    smells like bullshit to me......well guess its back to Nerdonia...

    please stop.....your blog page needs updating.... :shock:

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