Gentle Giant is scaling up the old Kenner 18" Alien to 24" and giving people the privilege of paying $500 for it: By comparison, you can get a loose vintage one for about $200 to $300. So here's the idea: take the existing Alien Reaction Figure and get the magic pantograph machine (or whatever is used these days) to scale it up to 12", and sell it for $100. Hell, scale it up to 24" and sell it for $200. Make sure it's styrene body halves with solid vinyl limbs, though, like the small one. None of this hollow vinyl malarkey that Gentle Giant pulls. There you go. I expect this by Christmas. ;p
Wait, why is it that much? Fuck GG, seriously, it's just some cheap ass plastic. Even those big vintage Star Wars toys they make are overpriced I'd rather spend less on real vintage 12" Star Wars. Bah! OLdmanoldmanoldmangrump. Yeah, S7, get on it, $7 know what I mean? Get in on this! Make it frigging full sized!
The Star Wars ones are cool, but the price is outrageous for scanning a pre-existing old sculpt and just scaling it up. If they were $25, I'd own a ton.
Gentle Giant's jumbo Star Wars figures actually aren't very good. They don't replicate the construction of the originals, instead they're made from airy vinyl parts that feel grainy to the touch and that you can see through when you put a light behind them. On top of this, they've screwed up things like the heights and proportions of figures, the color of accessories, and have even added embellished details to some figures. Read the Rebel Scum forum that covers them, you will find plenty of disappointment. There was a Chinese bootleg made of the 12" Stormtrooper that is superb, though. Go here and find the section that says "12 inch reproduction": I have one of these and it's awesome. I'm hoping they make more. An scaled up version of the 3 3/4" Alien figure like this would be excellent, but only if it was done right.
Yay! What is the sculpt based on, exactly? It looks sort of like the Kenner 18" figure but the unusual feet also remind me of one of the unproduced early 90s toys. See "Early Aliens" here:
According to what Brian has said, the new big fella is based on the original big Kenner figure as you rightly guessed (I would assume) but has had his hands and feet modified and does not have the dome, to reflect the Aliens seen in Aliens. This was the same 'warrior' Alien used for that unproduced Kenner prototype, so you are exactly right, good eye Roger.
Interesting. At the time I made the reply to the thread, it hadn't clicked 100% in my head what this was supposed to be. Gentle Giant took the 18" Alien and scaled it up to 24". It's supposed to be pretty good, fixing some of the issues of the original toy. Was GG involved in prototyping this one? Are there going to be more corrections to the toy made by Super7?
After pledging to the Kickstarter above, then reading the sample chapter, I canceled the pledge, because the writing is not very good. Nice that you could "try before you buy" on this one.
I handled the 18" Aliens figure last week and it's really damn good. It feels pretty much 100% authentic to the original toy, plus the action features are all still intact. Good job, Super7.
Looks like an acid green version (like the one in the blind box) of the 18" Aliens figure is going to be sold on Halloween.
We still are missing a regular Lambert, Parker and Brett Reaction figure. Can't really say it's a complete set of toys when its missing key Nostromo characters from the movie. It's good to see these are still in the works though!