Well I wanted to say thank you to Awesome Toy and apologize for the confusion that surrounded the Phantom 2nd release. Anyhow- AT and Danny from TU did invoice and mail these two which I've been looking for forever and has made this toy collector very happy:
View this post on Instagram I just got this a couple days ago. The glow is bright. All around great quality.
Damn. Being without income really puts the brakes on collecting (duh). I've got to eventually find one of those yellow Phantom Bats. Just stopping by to post a couple photos I took recently of a couple of older releases -- Both collaborations with Grody Shogun, the latter of which painted by Shirahama. View this post on Instagram View this post on Instagram
Though not quite something I'd go after, this Ningyo is well-executed and cool. Awesome Toy is doing good stuff. Love the hinge-jointed waist!
Ahh, okay. I like it better now that I've seen these images. The first image released (standing straight up) looked too stiff for a Ningyo toy depiction, but having the option to angle the bottom half forwards and backwards is a design plus.
Thanks; I did order one, and finally reached out to AT on 5/10 after seeing a few pop up on IG (though it seemed those pics were all from collectors located throughout Asia); at first, they replied to say they would look into it (not actually saying whether or not they had all shipped yet), but I have not heard anything since. Per the previous AT delayed shipping kerfuffle, I probably just need to relax, but thought I'd check in here to see if it seemed to be just me that was affected...
Oh, cool... well, that's a good sign, then. I'm on the other side of the country, so I'll assume it's making its way here... On another note... how do you like it, in-hand?
Really pleased. There are a few recent toys that I got that I wasn't happy about but I like this guy a lot.
Cool that you're digging him, and great shot. This one was love at first sight for me, and I can't wait to get him. (Can you tell?) Love the colors used on this version, and that face sculpt- so well done- serious, purposeful, just the right amount of realism- and plays perfectly with the shapes of the helmet. Just so damn good.
Little bit of a Johnny Ryan collab always goes down well.. hope they do more artist sets with these TVs View this post on Instagram
Those are "neat' but I've always been a fan of these vintage tv's that have the black and white images... I know nostalgic heroes and mandarake have them
Awesome Toy just continuing to kill it…* In general, this toy does little for me personally, but can one deny the fun of this particular release? Well? Can you, punk? *”Kill” here meaning “to succeed in”, “it” being the design, sculpting, production, internet-based sale and distribution of original vinyl toy art works, marketed to a predominately male demographic of monster-obsessed, art-damaged nerds, age 20 – 76.